Category: Spring 2012

Henry I. Lederle: The Third Wave: New Independent Charismatic Churches, Part 2
Editor’s Note: In part two of this excerpt from Theology with Spirit, Dr. Lederle continues his examination of the major streams of the Third Wave, what he has renamed New Independent Charismatic Churches. The Pneuma Review editorial committee hopes you will be encouraged as you read this chapter and will purchase this excellent book for […]

The Fire of Revival with Eddie Hyatt
John Lathrop interviews Eddie Hyatt about revival and his book Revival Fire. John Lathrop: The word “revival” means different things to different people. How would you define “revival?” Eddie Hyatt: Revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in response to the prayers of God’s people, breathing new life into His people and […]

Forming a Community of the Spirit: Hospitality, Fellowship, and Nurture, Part 2 of 2, by Steven M. Fettke
This chapter is an excerpt from Steven M. Fettke, God’s Empowered People: A Pentecostal Theology of the Laity (Wipf & Stock 2011). Read Part 1 in the Winter 2012 issue of Pneuma Review. Forming a Nurturing Community A mother was preparing breakfast for her two sons, Kevin, age five, and Ryan, age three. The boys […]

Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N. T. Wright, reviewed by Amos Yong
Nicholas Perrin and Richard B. Hays, eds., Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N. T. Wright (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2011), 294 pages. Every time I read N. T. Wright I come away edified, instructed, inspired, and even transformed. This book is no exception. As in much if not all […]

John Stott: The Radical Disciple
John Stott, The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2010), 144 pages, ISBN 9780830838479. The name of John Stott is widely known in the evangelical world. He was one of the most respected leaders in Christianity. For many years he served as pastor of All Souls Church in London, […]

John W. Wyckoff: Pneuma and Logos
John W. Wyckoff, Pneuma and Logos: The Role of Spirit in Biblical Hermeneutics (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2010), 168 pages, ISBN 9781608994830. John Wyckoff’s 1990 Ph.D. dissertation has finally come to print and is long overdue. In fact, it is perplexing how a scholarly treatise on such an intriguing topic was not snatched up […]

Alister McGrath: The Passionate Intellect
Alister McGrath, The Passionate Intellect: Christian Faith and the Discipleship of the Mind (Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP, 2010), 210 pages, ISBN 9780830838431. Alister McGrath, an Anglican priest, theologian, and Christian apologist, is currently Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at Kings College London and Head of the Centre for Theology, Religion and Culture. He was […]

Across the Spectrum
Gregory A. Boyd and Paul R. Eddy, Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009), 352 pages, ISBN 9780801037931. Across the Spectrum contains seventeen short chapters which give a good introduction to a variety of debates spanning across the topics of systematic theology including: biblical inerrancy, divine […]

Eddie Gibbs: Churchmorph
Eddie Gibbs, Churchmorph: how megatrends are reshaping Christian Communities (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009), 222 pages, ISBN 9780801037627. This work is the product of a teacher and scholar’s lifetime experience. Eddie Gibbs has taught at Fuller for many years, and before that had extensive experience in England. He has intimate knowledge of the development of […]

Trajectories in the Book of Acts
Paul Alexander, Jordan Daniel May, and Robert G. Reid, eds., Trajectories in the Book of Acts: Essays in Honor of John Wesley Wyckoff (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2010), 373 pages, ISBN 9781606085400. Trajectories in the Book of Acts is an anthology of fifteen essays by fifteen different writers in honor of John Wesley Wyckoff, […]

Bradley Jersak, Her Gates Will Never Be Shut
Bradley Jersak, Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hope, Hell, and the New Jerusalem (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2009), 220 pages. If you’ll pardon a somewhat tacky pun, the subject of Hell has been hot lately. First, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived by […]

Coming in the Summer 2012 (15:3) Issue
Historian Paul King invites us to look at the “Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements” in an excerpt from his book, Only Believe. Craig S. Keener speaks with us about his new book, Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts. Some reviews to look for in the Summer 2012 issue: […]

Spring 2012: Other Significant Articles
Robert C. Crosby, “A New Kind of Pentecostal: It’s no longer just about raising a hand to God. It’s also about reaching out a hand to the needy,” Christianity Today (August 2011), pages 50-54. Southeastern University professor Robert Crosby says that there is an awakening for social concern and whole life transformation among today’s Pentecostals. […]