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Category: Ministry

Martyn Percy: Power and the Church

Martyn Percy: Power and the Church

  Martyn Percy, Power and the Church: Ecclesiology in an Age of Transition (London and Herndon, Va.: Cassell, 1998), xv + 239 pages, ISBN 9780304701070. Widely published in the area of conservative religion in general and conservative Christianity in particular, theologian Martyn Percy turns in this book to questions concerning the nature of power in […]

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Rick Warren: Pastors Who Lead the Way

Rick Warren: Pastors Who Lead the Way

  Rick Warren, “Pastors Who Lead the Way” Enrichment 9:1 (Winter 2004). “The good news is that while we may never achieve excellence in administration, we can learn to lead the way.” In this article, Rick Warren states that he knows his leadership style. He is the big picture, vision-casting leader. Details do not appeal […]

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Robert Bowman: The Word-Faith Controversy

Robert Bowman: The Word-Faith Controversy

  Robert M. Bowman, Jr., The Word-Faith Controversy: Understanding the Health and Wealth Gospel (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001), 254 pages, ISBN 9780801063442. When I came across Bowman’s book The Word-Faith Controversy, I was very interested in his approach and conclusions because I had earlier done my Th.D. dissertation on nineteenth and twentieth century “faith theologies.” […]

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Amos Yong: Beyond the Impasse

Amos Yong: Beyond the Impasse

  Amos Yong, Beyond the Impasse: Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003), 192 pages, ISBN 9780801026126. The goal of this thorough and erudite book by Amos Yong is explicit in the title, Beyond the Impasse, the impasse in question being the Christological question that throws up immediate blockades to inter-faith […]

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Jack Hayford: Practicing What We Preach

Jack Hayford: Practicing What We Preach

  Jack W. Hayford, “Practicing What We Preach” Ministries Today (Nov/Dec 2003), pages 22–27. Jack Hayford sees the church in a moral crisis. “Favoritism, greed, shoddy morals and shady ethics have found a comfortable home in the church. At the same time, both inside and outside the church there is a rise in intolerance towards […]

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Adrienne Gaines: Punching Prejudice

Adrienne Gaines: Punching Prejudice

  Adrienne S. Gaines, “Punching Prejudice” Ministries Today (July/August 2003), pages 30-34. When Scott Hagan became pastor Grand Rapids First Assembly of God (Grand Rapids, Michigan) he was aware of the city’s racially troubled past. It was in that same city in 1947 that “the Assemblies of God General Council made an infamous decision against […]

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Encouraging the Team

Encouraging the Team

“Encouraging the Team” by Rick Kamrath. From the Worship Leader series. No matter what kind of team, and for whatever purposes the team exists, (ministry, sports, business, etc.), individual players are likely to perform better if they receive encouragement from their leadership. In a worship band, this is often vital to success. Ideally, a worship […]

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John Eckhardt: Can a Christian Have a Demon?

John Eckhardt: Can a Christian Have a Demon?

  John Eckhardt, “Can a Christian Have a Demon?” Charisma (March 2003), pages 66-68. The subtitle of John Eckhardt’s article states, “Church people have been arguing for years over the issue of deliverance. I think that it is time to stop arguing and start setting people free.” He then relates how his church used to […]

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H. B. London: Stemming the Tide of Clergy Fallout

H. B. London: Stemming the Tide of Clergy Fallout

  H. B. London Jr., “Stemming the Tide of Clergy Fallout: Lessons from a Marriage” Enrichment (Winter 2003), pages 42-51. Dr. London and the pastoral ministry team at Focus on the Family take an insightful look at the contemporary problem of ministers leaving the ministry. They take the rich picture of marriage and compare it […]

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Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches and Ecumenism: An Interview with Mel Robeck

Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches and Ecumenism: An Interview with Mel Robeck

  A conversation with Professor and Pentecostal Statesman Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. As a Pentecostal, how do you define ecumenism? Mel Robeck: The term “ecumenism” is derived from the Greek word oikoumene, which comes from the noun, oikos. The basic meaning of oikos is “house,” and by extension, oikoumene refers to those things, […]

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Doug Murren: Churches that Heal

Doug Murren: Churches that Heal

  Doug Murren, Churches that Heal: Becoming a Church That Mends Broken Hearts and Restores Shattered Lives (W. Monroe, LA: Howard Publishing Company, 1999), 256 pages. The church needs to be about the work of healing people. Churches need to be places where the whole gospel is heard and people are wholly restored to what […]

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Highlights from European Pentecostal Theological Association 2002

Highlights from European Pentecostal Theological Association 2002

The 24th annual EPTA (European Pentecostal Theological Association) conference was held on the campus of Continental Theological Seminary, located in Sint-Pieters Leeuw, Belgium – just a few miles outside the city of Brussels. More than 60 individuals attended the conference. The conference theme, “Pentecostal Education in the 21st. century: Promises and Challenges”, was initiated by […]

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Two Views On Women in Ministry

Two Views On Women in Ministry

  James Beck and Craig Blomberg, eds., Two Views On Women in Ministry (Zondervan, 2001), 383 pages. In the first century the apostles had to struggle with the Gentiles. Can they be accepted as equals in the faith? Can they be raised to positions of deacons, overseers, and elders? Can a Gentile actually be ordained […]

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State of the Church 2002

State of the Church 2002

Half of the Churches in America are growing have fewer than 100 participating adults (25% have less than 50) are located in a rural or small town setting Less than 10% of all churches in America have more than 1000 in attendance. Keys to Growth Growing churches report that they: welcome change have cultural affinity—finding […]

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