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Category: Fall 2013

Excerpts from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener as appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2013

Excerpts from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener as appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2013

Excerpts from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener as appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2013 “Are Miracles Possible?” by Craig S. Keener “Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity,” by Craig S. Keener “Miracle Accounts: Multicultural Approach,” by Craig S. Keener “Miracle Accounts: Majority World Perspectives,” by Craig S. […]

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Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity, by Craig S. Keener

Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity, by Craig S. Keener

An excerpt from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. From the introduction to Part 3, “Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity” Pages 209-210 The principle of analogy once used to argue against all ancient miracles (either the occurrence of some sorts of extranormal phenomena or their […]

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Back to the Original Church

Alan Delotavo’s Back to the Original Church, reviewed by Jim Williams

From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Alan J. Delotavo, Back to the Original Church: The Secret Behind Church Movements (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2010), 100 pages, 9781556355660. Regular and careful Bible readers inevitably piece the Bible story together until they have a sense of the grand sweep of things. We do the same with the history […]

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Pentecostalism and Christian Unity 2

Pentecostalism and Christian Unity 2, reviewed by Jim Purves

From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Wolfgang Vondey, ed., Pentecostalism and Christian Unity, Volume 2 (Pickwick Publications, 2013), 301 pages, ISBN 9781620327180. It can be a terrible thing when we believe that we ourselves are right and all others are wrong. Terrible, because it can reinforce an arrogance caused by insecurity, causing us to be unwilling […]

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Prophetic Preaching, reviewed by Jonathan Downie

Prophetic Preaching, reviewed by Jonathan Downie

From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, Prophetic Preaching: A Pastoral Approach (Westminster John Knox Press, 2010), 138 pages, ISBN 9780664233327. There are some occasions where the reader finishes a book unsure whether they should praise the author for writing a challenging and necessary work or criticise them for missing vital emphases. Prophetic Preaching […]

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Global Voices

Global Voices, reviewed by John Lathrop

Craig Keener and M. Daniel Carroll Rodas, eds., Global Voices: Reading the Bible in the Majority World (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2013), 144 pages, ISBN 9781619700093. The chapters that make up this book were originally papers that were presented at a meeting of the Institute for Biblical Research which was held in San Francisco, California […]

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In Conversation with Andrew Schmutzer, Part 2

In Conversation with Andrew Schmutzer, Part 2

An interview with Andrew Schmutzer about The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, and part 2 of his chapter, “A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem” as appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2013.         Note from the Editors: Beginning a conversation about […]

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Miracle Accounts: Majority World Perspectives, by Craig S. Keener

Miracle Accounts: Majority World Perspectives, by Craig S. Keener

An excerpt from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. From Part 3, “Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity” Chapter 7, “Majority World Perspectives” Pages 238-241 For these countries alone, and for Pentecostals and charismatics in these countries alone, the estimated total of people claiming to have […]

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Miracles and Medical Documentation, by Craig S. Keener

Miracles and Medical Documentation, by Craig S. Keener

  An excerpt from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. From Part 4, “Proposed Explanations” Chapter 15, “More Extranormal Cases” Page 721 Implications of and Prospects for Medical Documentation Gardner insists that modern comparative examples can chasten our excessive tendency to skepticism of all […]

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Andrew J. Schmutzer

A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem, Part 2, by Andrew J. Schmutzer

An excerpt from The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. The Long Journey Home A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem Part 2  by Andrew J. Schmutzer The Relational Ecosystem: Sexuality Amid Consequences Christian theology […]

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A Faith Embracing All Creatures

A Faith Embracing All Creatures, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker, eds., A Faith Embracing All Creatures: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Care for Animals (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012), 212 pages, ISBN 9781610977012. This book is another in an ever growing line of texts attempting to convince Christians that the Church’s traditional understanding of […]

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Miracle Accounts: Multicultural Approach, by Craig S. Keener

Miracle Accounts: Multicultural Approach, by Craig S. Keener

An excerpt from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. From Part 3, “Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity” Chapter 7, “Majority World Perspectives” Pages 214-219 A Multicultural Approach Social scientists have noted that, despite a variety of interpretations, “people from all cultures relate stories of spontaneous, […]

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John R. Miller

New Order of the Latter Rain: A New Perspective, by John R. Miller

 From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Introduction Many people, who are familiar with the history and teachings of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, have likely heard of the revival known as the New Order of the Latter Rain. Was this a legitimate revival? Was it an authentic move of the Holy Spirit? Perhaps what is most […]

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Pneuma Review Fall 2013

Pneuma Review Fall 2013

The Fall 2013 issue (16:4) of The Pneuma Review features these articles: The Credibility of Miracles: Excerpts from Miracles by Craig S. Keener. New Order of the Latter Rain: A New Perspective by John R. Miller. Find all of these articles individually in an easy-to-read format on the archive page:

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