Pneuma Review Fall 2008
The Fall 2008 (Volume 11, Number 4) issue of The Pneuma Review.
Suggestions and Comments from Readers Reader T.S. writes: I thought this critique of postmodern thinking on today’s college campuses was insightful: “The postmodern idolatry is that all spiritual ways of life lead to the same place. Any local truth is a valid truth. In the postmodern mind, they’re all paths to being […]
The power of personal faith in Christ changing people and society around them. A study in Luke 19:1-10 by James D. Hernando. The story of Zacchaeus is one of the most intriguing in Luke’s gospel—a literary masterpiece filled with vivid imagery, drama, and biting irony. It is the story of the conversion […]
Explanatory Note: Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, a Greek Orthodox theologian, formerly Associate General Secretary for International Affairs and Peace at the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, was recently (January 1, 2008) appointed Senior Program Director for Faith & Order and Interfaith Relations at the NCC. The following is an exclusive […]
Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, revised and expanded edition (New York: Oxford, 2007), 316 pages, ISBN 9780195183078. Philip Jenkins’ award winning study of developments in Christianity outside of the Western hemisphere should be riveting reading for anyone interested in the future of Christianity and of Christian ministry. It particularly informs […]
Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd, The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Tradition (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), 479 pages, ISBN 9780801031144. Paul Rhodes Eddy (Ph.D. Marquette University) is professor of biblical and theological studies at Bethel University, and Gregory A. Boyd (Ph.D. Princeton Theological Seminary) is the […]
Terry L. Cross, Answering the Call in the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on a Theology of Vocation, Work and Life (Cleveland, TN: Lee University Press, 2007), 164 pages, ISBN 9781596843301. The author’s stated purpose is “expanding the definition of calling” (p. 6) as understood in traditional Pentecostal theology and to “show that a theology of calling […]
Carolyn Osiek and Margaret Y. MacDonald with Janet M. Tulloch, A Woman’s Place: House Churches in the Earliest Christianity (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005), vi+ 345 pages, ISBN 9780800637774. Carolyn Osiek, Charles Fischer Catholic Professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University, and Margaret Y. MacDonald, Professor of Religious Studies at St. Francis […]
Rebecca Skaggs with Thomas Doyle lead us into a biblical and thoughtful look at the reality of suffering. The Issue Why is there suffering in the world? Further, why does it appear that often “good” people suffer when the “wicked” often thrive? Where is God when people suffer individually and collectively? For centuries, […]
Loren Cunningham with Janice Rogers, The Book That Transforms Nations: The Power Of The Bible To Change Any Country (Seattle: YWAM Publishing, 2007), 252 pages, ISBN 1576583813. Loren Cunningham is a man with a passion and a man with a mission to reach the nations; he is the founder of Youth With A Mission […]
Philip Jenkins, The New Faces of Christianity: Reading the Bible in the Global South (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). x + 252 pages, ISBN 0195300653. Philip Jenkins, God’s Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). ix + 340 pages, ISBN 0195313956. The two books under review are part of what […]
Martin Robinson & Dwight Smith, Invading Secular Space: Strategies for Tomorrow’s Church (Grand Rapids: Monarch Books, 2003), 221 pages, ISBN 9780825460500. This book assesses the crisis of the Western church and proposes strategies for recovering the missional character of the church. According to Robinson and Smith, the mission of the church in the apostolic period […]
Sean S. O’Neal, Bridges To People: Communicating Jesus to People and Growing Missional Churches in a Multi-Ethnic World (Xulon Press, 2007), 288 pages, ISBN 9781602662681. My longtime friend, mentor and colleague, Sean O’Neal, who serves as the Director of Evangelism and Youth Ministries for the Church of God California/Nevada State Executive Office, has published […]