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Category: Fall 2003

From the Editor's Desk: Fall 2003

From the Editor’s Desk: Fall 2003

from the editor’s desk What have you been reading lately? Besides, of course, every issue of the Pneuma Review that you receive. What books are challenging you to think beyond the old boundaries and grow in your relationship with our Master? What ideas and practical insights are you discussing among your friends and peers? I […]

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Rodman Williams: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today: Means

Rodman Williams: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today: Means

  The sixth chapter from Professor Williams’ book, The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today, about the greatest reality of our time. Chapter Six: Means We turn now to a consideration of the gift of the Holy Spirit in relation to water baptism and the laying on of hands. Our concern at this point is […]

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The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 11: Matthew 16, by Kevin M. Williams

The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 11: Matthew 16, by Kevin M. Williams

And the Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Him asked Him to show them a sign from heaven (Matthew 16:1). This section of Matthew can be troublesome. Who among us has not, at some time or another, asked for a sign from God? Yet the intent behind Yeshua’s (Jesus’) words here may help put […]

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Eddie Hyatt: 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity

Eddie Hyatt: 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity

Eddie L. Hyatt, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity: A 21st Century Look at Church History from a Pentecostal/Charismatic Perspective (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2002), 225 pages, ISBN 9780884198727. Have you ever been told that the charismatic movement is new and therefore theologically suspicious? Do not believe such rumors because they are not true, as this […]

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Ronald Kydd: Healing through the Centuries

Ronald Kydd: Healing through the Centuries

  Ronald A. N. Kydd, Healing through the Centuries: Models for Understanding (Hendrickson Publishers (Peabody, Massachusetts: 1998), xxxi+235 pages. Although the doctrine of healing has a long history in Pentecostal and charismatic circles, it has rarely been investigated from a sympathetic perspective. Ron Kydd’s work is refreshing, because he explores different healing movements within Christianity […]

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Encouraging the Team

Encouraging the Team

“Encouraging the Team” by Rick Kamrath. From the Worship Leader series. No matter what kind of team, and for whatever purposes the team exists, (ministry, sports, business, etc.), individual players are likely to perform better if they receive encouragement from their leadership. In a worship band, this is often vital to success. Ideally, a worship […]

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Fall 2003: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2003: Other Significant Articles

“Three Centuries of Objections to Biblical Miracles” Mark J. Larson. Bibliotheca Sacra 160 (Jan-Mar 2003), pages 77-100. This article describes and critiques the pervasive denial of the supernatural elements of the Bible among Rationalism thinkers and philosophers of the last three centuries. Pastor Larson offers convincing proofs for why these rationalistic objections to the miraculous […]

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John Eckhardt: Can a Christian Have a Demon?

John Eckhardt: Can a Christian Have a Demon?

  John Eckhardt, “Can a Christian Have a Demon?” Charisma (March 2003), pages 66-68. The subtitle of John Eckhardt’s article states, “Church people have been arguing for years over the issue of deliverance. I think that it is time to stop arguing and start setting people free.” He then relates how his church used to […]

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Michael Brown: Revolution in the Church

Michael Brown: Revolution in the Church

  Michael L. Brown, Revolution in the Church: Challenging the religious system with a call for radical change (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 2002), 224 pages. Dr. Brown has authored a provocative book that puts forth his view of how the church needs to change to best fulfill the mandate set forth by Jesus. The book […]

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Rightly Understanding God's Word: Learning Context, Part 2, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Learning Context, Part 2, by Craig S. Keener

Part of the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series by Craig S. Keener. As appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2003.   Continued from Part 1 in the Summer 2003 issue   Paragraph Context: Checking yourself  13. What is the “word of God” (or “word of Christ” in most translations) in Romans 10:17? Does it specifically refer […]

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