Ben Witherington: A Week in the Life of Corinth
“Enmity Conventions” spotlights a fascinating underbelly of the ancient world. It was one thing not to get along with someone. It was quite another thing to have offended someone, such as refusing a gift or even patronage offered by a superior. Mafia-like conduct could ensue. How illustrative of humanity’s hostility or enmity toward God who has done nothing to offend.
Witherington does not avoid the deed and word power aspects of 1 Corinthians such as tongues, prophecy, worship, and the hero’s deeply felt reactions and responses. Especially insightful is the hero’s internal conflict over divine healing that shows the Greco-Roman skepticism within which Paul ministered. Paul’s passionate disclaimer against being a charlatan and a huckster makes new sense.
Highly recommended for all Christian workers needing increased NT background and for general readers.
Reviewed by James Williams
Category: Biblical Studies, Winter 2014