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Author Archive for Murray Hohns

H. Murray Hohns went home to be with Jesus on November 28, 2012. He was on staff at the largest church in Hawaii and served on his denomination's investment committee from 1999 until his death. Hohns held two degrees in Civil Engineering, an MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary, and served as an instructor at Foursquare's New Hope Christian College (formerly Pacific Rim Christian College) in Honolulu. He wrote six engineering books and hundreds of articles in every type of newspaper, magazine and journal.

Consumer or Consumee

Consumer or Consumee

Are misplaced priorities making you a bad report to the world around you? Pastor Mur asks if you are living in the Promised land or if your life is being eaten up by promising to do too much. Numbers 13:32 contains a thought or sentence that most of us have never noticed. This section of […]

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Richard Twiss: One Church Many Tribes

Richard Twiss: One Church Many Tribes

  Richard Twiss, One Church Many Tribes (Regal Books, 2000), 216 pages. What can the church of the 21st Century learn from the mistakes of the past? Richard Twiss could be a budding new personality in the Christian world. I recently noticed his name on a column in Charisma magazine, and this new book has […]

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Growing Deep, Growing Strong

Growing Deep, Growing Strong

  Pastor Mur talks about the long term benefits of staying planted at a local church. I have six stories to tell to set the stage for where I want to go. They are short stories, and they are true stories. You will like the stories. I know the people in each of them. I […]

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A Clean Shirt Twice a Day

A Clean Shirt Twice a Day

I served as an expert for a lawyer named Mort eighteen years ago. He was a very successful trial lawyer who had studied the courtroom, the trial process and the participants for years. When Mort was in trial he always was in control, or at least, he appeared to be in control. He was far […]

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Jeffery Sheler: Is the Bible True?

Jeffery Sheler: Is the Bible True?

Jeffery L. Sheler, Is the Bible True? How Modern Debates and Discoveries Affirm the Essence of the Scriptures (Harper San Francisco/Zondervan, 1999), 279 pages, ISBN 9780062013460. As usual, Christianity Today featured its annual list of leading Christian books in its April edition. This year it offered the 10 best, several honorable mentions, and also a […]

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Peter Wagner: Churchquake

Peter Wagner: Churchquake

  C. Peter Wagner, Churchquake!: How the New Apostolic Reformation Is Shaking Up the Church As We Know It (Ventura, CA: Regal Publishers), 274 pages, ISBN 9780830719181. I started reading Peter Wagner’s books soon after he began to be published, and I took his class on ‘Signs and Wonders’ at Fuller Seminary. I recall some […]

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Fredrick Holmgren: The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus

Fredrick Holmgren: The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus

  Fredrick C. Holmgren, The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus: Embracing Change—Maintaining Christian Identity: The Emerging Center in Biblical Scholarship (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999), 195 pages. I like to start every book by reading its foreword, and that is what I did with this text. I was delighted to […]

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The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

  On October 17-19, 1994 the leadership of the essentially all white Pentecostal Fellowship of the North America (PFNA) met in Memphis to confront its racial past and to meet with African American Pentecostals to establish an integrated fellowship. The result was a new organization known as the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). As […]

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The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

  On October 17-19, 1994 the leadership of the essentially all white Pentecostal Fellowship of the North America (PFNA) met in Memphis to confront its racial past and to meet with African American Pentecostals to establish an integrated fellowship. The result was a new organization known as the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). As […]

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Lewis Smedes: Standing on the Promises

Lewis Smedes: Standing on the Promises

  Lewis Smedes, Standing on the Promises (Thomas Nelson, 1998), 196 pages, ISBN 9780785270089. I have liked Lewis Smedes for the past 15 years or so. I only know him through his books but that’s enough for me. The first Smedes’ book I read way back those years ago was on forgiving and through that […]

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Dallas Willard: The Divine Conspiracy

Dallas Willard: The Divine Conspiracy

  Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1998), 428 pages. I look forward each year to the April issue of Christianity Today that features the 25 best books published in the past year. Reading through that list becomes my passion until the next list appears. […]

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Filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit

  In this guest editorial, Pastor Mur shares his memories of being filled with the Holy Spirit and how he was reminded of this blessing of God while reading Robert Graves’ article, “The Focus of the Charismatic Experience” that appeared in Summer 1999.   Robert Graves’ excellent article on “The Focus of the Charismatic Experience” […]

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