| October 6, 2017 |
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Women, embrace your own unique journey and stop comparing yourself to others. Not all women are the same. The journey looks different for everyone.
Being a woman is not about success or failure. It’s a journey that lasts a lifetime in community with others. The book recommends a few “habits” for women on the journey. First, women are urged to name themselves “woman” by saying, “I am a woman.” The more women speak to themselves, the more they come to accept that identity. Next, women should ask for help when they need it—not just with tasks but also with mentoring. Third, Abdallah recommends women invest in themselves. Women must decide what is important to them and put their energies into cultivating and living those values. Finally, women are encouraged to embrace their own unique journey and stop comparing themselves to others. Not all women are the same. The journey looks different for everyone.
Abdallah’s book is a resource for churches to use to mentor girls and women and develop their confidence as “woman” apart from the normative, and often restrictive, social structures within both church and the greater society. Also, small groups will find the concepts and questions helpful in nurturing participants in their journey of being a woman.
Reviewed by Michelle Vondey
Publisher’s page: https://wipfandstock.com/the-book-of-womanhood.html
Tags: abdallah, amy, book, womanhood
Category: Fall 2017, Living the Faith
About the Author: Michelle Vondey, Ph.D. (Regent University) and M.Div. (Church of God Theological Seminary), has more than twenty years’ experience working in non-profit organizations. Her interests are focused mainly on developing followers in their roles in organizations. She teaches courses in leadership, critical reasoning, and Christian discipleship. 2012 dissertation LinkedIn