A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking Out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors, Part 1
6. Nason-Clark and Kroeger, Refuge from Abuse.
7. Kroeger and Nason-Clark, No Place for Abuse.
8. Ibid.
9. Nason-Clark and Kroeger, Refuge from Abuse.
10. Nason-Clark et al., “The RAVE Project,” 11:1.
11. Fisher-Townsend et al., “I am Not Violent,” 78–99; Nason-Clark et al., “An Overview of the Characteristics of the Clients at a Faith-Based Batterers’ Intervention Program,” 51–72.
12. Based loosely on some recommendations that Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark prepared on domestic violence for the General Board of Administration of the Wesleyan Church International in 2007, which were later adopted by its general assembly.
13. Such as the RAVE Project www.theraveproject.org; see further listing of websites under Web-based Resources in Appendix C of this book.
This chapter is from Andrew J. Schmutzer, ed., The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2011). Used by permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers. www.wipfandstock.com
About the Authors: Nancy Nason–Clark and Stephen McMullin.
Stephen McMullin is New Brunswick Program Director and Lecturer in Evangelism and Mission Acadia Divinity College (Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada). www.acadiadiv.ca/stephen-mcmullin/
Interviews with Andrew Schmutzer about The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused and his chapter, “A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem” as appearing in Pneuma Review.
Category: Ministry, Pneuma Review, Winter 2014