Winter 2000: President’s Page

Jim Dettmann in June 2005.
The Pneuma Foundation has come into being for the purpose of providing Biblical resources and information with the intent of expounding and defending the work of God the Holy Spirit and His gifts. These resources are for ministers and lay workers. We want to help local churches equip the saints and defend the Pentecostal/charismatic movement as having a great deal to contribute to the body of Christ.
Pentecostals and charismatics have caused a resurgence in the gifts of the Spirit for today. This movement has brought to the fore-front such issues as divine healing, power confrontations with he kingdom of darkness, the prayer of faith, New Testament prophecy, praying in tongues, the five-fold ministry, and the ministry of the miraculous. These issues are often taught without a strong Biblical foundation. This has led to error, extremes, and a weakened witness to other evangelicals. Therefore, our purpose is to help provide a balanced, non-denominational, Scriptural foundation for the gifts of the Spirit. We also desire to promote dialogue with non-charismatic evangelicals in the hopes of bringing us together in greater unity and practice.
The Pneuma Review, our quarterly journal, is designed along with other resources to assist in this vision.
James M. Dettmann President, Pneuma Foundation
Thanks to you, Pneuma Foundation members and friends, for assisting us financially in seeing this vision become a reality.
Category: Get Involved, Winter 2000