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The Israel Dilemma, in Theaters Soon

Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies (Iconic, 2024).

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched an historic attack against the Jewish nation. It became a line in the sand. For some, it prompted support for the Palestinian Authority. For others, it inspired prayers to bless the children of Abraham and the State of Israel. The question, “Who holds the deed to the Holy Land?” played everywhere in the media and continues to weigh on the hearts and minds of justice-seeking people around the world.

Tim Mahoney

It also begins Tim Mahoney’s latest documentary, Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies.

In the spirit of full transparency, I have enthusiastically followed Tim Mahoney’s work since his 2015 release of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. I came to appreciate his thoughtful approach, captivating scenery, his willingness to hear and present opposing viewpoints, and ultimately, to share the logical conclusions of the evidence. I found those elements represented again in The Israel Dilemma.

A cast of historians, archeologists, politicians, and theologians examine God’s covenants as the “plot structure” to Israel’s biblical story. The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies quickly becomes less about who holds the deed and the remarkable, even miraculous way God spoke through Moses as a prophet and how the Almighty God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob keeps his promises.

While many of us are caught up watching the grand events: the blood red moons, the wars and rumors of wars, and the imminent sacrifice of the red heifers, The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies shares the testimonies of bullas, seemingly negligible clay seals no larger than your thumb, but which reveal significant—and who some might deem insignificant—characters of the Bible. But it is this minutia and the smallest of things which confirm how no one in Scripture, from the greatest to the least, is wasted in Yahweh’s economy.

Though we have the Bible as God’s authoritative Word, there are those in the secular world who do not recognize its credibility. Mahoney provides the evidence of its reliability not merely from internal scriptural sources, but unexpectedly from Israel’s ancient foes, with numerous archeological records that serve to reinforce the Bible, its Author, and His prophecies as trustworthy.

“We have an abundance of material which either directly or indirectly relates to the biblical evidence, no doubt,” remarks Gabriel Barkay, Director of the Temple Mount Sifting Project, Bar-Ilan University, one of the many experts Mahoney interviews in the documentary.

Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies is the first in a two-part docu-series, and is in cinemas nationwide for a limited release, November 13, 14, and 17, 2024. Grab a Bible skeptic or someone confused by current Middle-east events and go see this two-hour, eye-opening film. Purchase tickets now at

You may have plenty to talk about afterward.

Reviewed by Kevin Williams

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Category: Biblical Studies, Fall 2024

About the Author: Kevin M. Williams, Litt.D., H.L.D. has served in Messianic ministries since 1987 and has written numerous articles and been a featured speaker at regional and international conferences on Messianic Judaism.

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