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Spring 2004: Other Significant Articles



“The New Old-Time Religion.” Jay Tolson. U.S.News & World Report (Dec. 8, 2003), pages 36-38, 41-44.

This special report offers a brief history of Evangelicalism and says that the “New Evangelicals” (as the cover calls them) defy easy labels and are growing in number. [link no longer active as of June 30, 2014] A version of this article was found here [on June 30, 2014]:



Enrichment (Fall 2003)

Enrichment is “a journal for Pentecostal ministry” published by the Assemblies of God (USA). The Fall 2003 issue has the theme of “Managing the Local Church” with articles like “Managing Church Government: Making the systems work for You” by Richard L. Dresselhaus, “Managing the church Office: An Ever-Changing Challenge” by Shirley J. Good, and “The Art of Managing Church Staff” by Dan M. Reiland. Numerous sidebars and mini-articles cover numerous practical aspects of administration like essential things to look for in a church secretary, how to conduct an effective board meeting, and how to maximize your use of technology. Find more information about the journal, and some of these articles online at: [link updated June 30, 2014]



“Faith and Healing: Can religion improve health? While the debate rages in journals and med schools, more Americans ask for doctors’ prayers.” Claudia Kalb. Newsweek (Nov. 10, 2003), pages 44-50, 53-54, 56.

Beyond the anecdotes, medical science is now showing some significant—even “persuasive”—evidence that prayer and trust in God can improve health and the quality of life. At the time of printing, the full article was available online at: [link no longer active as of June 30, 2014]


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Category: Spring 2004

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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