Salt, Light, a City Set on a Hill
In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), Jesus teaches that His followers are the “salt of the earth;” “the light of the world;” and “a city set on a hill.” For the past several months, I have pondered what Jesus means.
Salt of the earth
When we season food with salt, the salt is invisible (I hope). Yet, invisible salt makes a noticeable difference in a dish. Similarly, as salt of the earth, Jesus’ followers influence and inspire the world, even when our presence is not visible. What difference are we making in the world?
Light of the world
How are you showing the light of hope in Christ?
City set on a hill
Jesus calls the community of faith; the universal Church; the Body of Christ to be a model city. When we truly rise to the call of Christ, we become a model city before the watching world – a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.
The local congregation is called to be a city set on a hill – a city within the city wherein we are called.
Wow, are we really being a model city? Or, are we patterning after the city?
I am deeply moved by the Sermon on the Mount. I deeply desire to participate in what it means to be salt, light and a full participant of the city on a hill, as Jesus teaches.

Image: Atharva Lele

Image: Gabriel Barletta
In a world where darkness encroaches, Christ calls us to bear witness in a very public way – unseen and seen.
The world desperately needs salt, light, and a city set on a hill. Jesus is calling for us to bear witness in this way.
Come Holy Spirit. Help us!
Dr. A
Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2017