Christianity, Marxism, and Social Justice
Join Antipas Harris for a live conversation about faith, Marxism, and Black Lives Matter.
Update: Follow the link below for watch the dialogue.
I would like to invite you to join me TONIGHT for an intellectually and spiritually invigorating Live Streaming conversation with highly acclaimed sociologist and practical theologian Bryan Froehle, Ph.D.
In light of the current social unrest, we will be having a dialogue concerning the Church, social structures, and social justice.
Simply click on the link below or join me on my public Facebook page TONIGHT, Tuesday, August 25, 2020, at 9 pm EDT/ 8 pm CDT/ 6 pm PDT.
I hope to see your comments tonight on either YouTube or on my public Facebook page @drantipas. Be sure to “like” and “share” the live conversation on your social media outlets.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Dr. Antipas
Category: Get Involved, Summer 2020