Fredrick Holmgren: The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus
Holmgren then discusses the real meaning of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34. What does new really mean? Is it a new covenant or is this new covenant actually restated faithfulness to what already was there? We are treated to Holmgren’s view of the tension between the original meaning and the depth interpretation that so many Christians have presumed to be normative. Holmgren moves on to probe the propriety of the use of Old Testament and New Testament as names for the two portions of Scripture. As I read on, I thought of how Jews do not use the term “Old Testament” since using the term implies that there could be a “New Testament.” Don’t we do wonderful things to ourselves and each other?
Holmgren concludes with a provocative systematic study of the humanity and divinity of Christ, and then reverts to where he started “In the Beginning, the Experience.” So much to unlearn and to relearn. May we ever be willing to do this for when we refuse to do so, we lose our vitality and value to our community and to our God who so wonderfully gave us His Son.
Good reading! You will find the book vital and valuable, just like we all want to be.
Reviewed by H. Murray Hohns
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Category: Biblical Studies, Spring 2000