Fall 2008: Other Significant Articles
Skye Jethani, “Apostles Today?: Rediscovering the gift that leaves churches and well-connected pastors in its wake” Leadership Journal (Spring 2008). It is significant to see an introduction to “apostolic ministry” in Leadership Journal, a sister publication of Christianity Today.
James K.A. Smith, “Teaching a Calvinist to Dance: In Pentecostal worship, my Reformed theology finds its groove” Christianity Today (May 2008), pages 42-45.
Calvin College Philosophy professor Jamie Smith says that it is in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement that his reformed theology finds its fullest expression.
Evangelical Review of Theology 32:2 (April 2008).
The April 2008 issue features the theme of Evangelical Political Engagement.
“Wounds of a Friend: An unexpected exchange on the women’s leadership debate” Christianity Today (June 2008).
Humble counterpoints are given in the form of admonitions—to those who hold their own positions—in the debate about the role of women in ministry.
Egalitarian: Sarah Sumner, “Egalitarians should rely more on careful exegesis and less on political ideologies.”
Complementarian: John Koessler, “Complementarians need to recover a fully biblical view of women—and of handling theological disagreement.”
Category: Fall 2008