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Summer 2004: Other Significant Articles


“No More ‘Geek Speak’: New programs get past the jargon and make it easy to create, update, and manage your church’s website.” Jennifer Schuchmann. Your Church (Jan/Feb 2004), pages 66-70.

There is good news about developing church website: you do not have to be a computer guy or have a big internet budget to have an easy-to-use and highly functional website. Whether your congregation already has a website or not, there are many new resources available for getting started or improving on what you already have.


“He Is Faithful That Promised” John Arnott. Spread the Fire 2004:1, pages 5-7.

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship celebrates 10 years of being “in the River.” Listen to the story directly from those involved in the “Toronto Blessing.”


R. T .Kendall, “Itching Ears?” Ministries Today (Mar/Apr 2004), pages 20-22.

R. T .Kendall, “Word + Spirit = Power” Ministries Today (Mar/Apr 2004), pages 24-26.

The retired pastor of Westminster Chapel, R. T. Kendall, tells us what he sees as being wrong with teaching from the pulpit today, especially in Pentecostal/charismatic churches. In the follow-up article that comes on its heels, he introduces and challenges us with the solution.

Also in this issue of Ministries Today, concentrating on teaching in the church, are articles by Gary B. McGee and John Paul Jackson.


Adam Hamilton, “Opening Closed Minds: When you address controversial issues today, you can irritate or influence, but not both” Leadership (Spring 2004), pages 37-41.

“When you address controversial issues today, you can irritate or influence, but not both.”

When preaching “prophetically,” delivering a message that is challenging and hard to receive, are you driving away everyone who disagrees? Pastor Adam Hamilton says we should approach sermons on difficult subjects with the skills learned in debate class. First, show respect for all of the participants in the “debate,” as well as their views. Secondly, you should study all sides and be ready to argue for or against any position. Third, the message should make the case for the position you will not ultimately choose. This must be done in such a way that those who embrace this position will feel you have understood their view and represented them. If you make a strong case, those who hold the opposing views will be more willing to hear your side. Fourth, make the case for your position. As you do this, make it biblical and admit the weaknesses of your position. Finally, be willing to change and grow as you prepare, just as you expect your listeners to do so once they have heard your message.

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Category: Summer 2004

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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