A Pentecostal Season: Bibliography
This bibliography is part of an excerpt from The Supernatural Thread in Methodism: Signs and Wonders Among Methodists Then and Now by Methodist historian and renewalist Frank Billman.
Related Articles:
- Frank Billman’s introduction to “A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America”
- “A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America,” Part 1 (Summer 2018)
- “A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America,” Part 2 (Fall 2018)
Arnott, John G. The Father’s Blessing: A refreshing move of God that is shaking Toronto-and the world. St. Mary, FL: Charisma Media. 1996.
Badley, Brenton T. Warne of India: The Life-Story of Bishop Francis Wesley Warne. Madras, India: Madras Publishing House. 1932.
Beard, Steve. Thunderstruck: John Wesley and the Toronto Blessing. Wilmore, KY: Thunderstruck Communications. 1996.
Brawley, Vince. “The Lady from Baga.” Mission Society News. August 25, 2011.
Case, Riley. “Cutting out Options for Seminary Education” in We Confess, March/April. 2007.
Chilcote, Paul Wesley. Her Own Story: Autobiographical Portraits of Early Methodist Women. Nashville: Kingswood Books. 2001.
Clark, Randy. Evangelism Unleashed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Global Awakening. 2005.
Clark, Randy. [Compiler]. Supernatural Missions: The Impact of the Supernatural on World Missions. Mechanicsburg, PA: Global Awakening. 2012. [Editor’s note: Read John Lathrop’s review]
Clark, Randy. There Is More!: Reclaiming the Power of Impartation. Mechanicsburg, PA: Global Awakening. 2006.
Crandall, Chauncey. Raising the Dead: A Doctor Encounters the Miraculous. New York: Faith Words. 2010.
Crawford, Mary. The Shantung Revival. Shanghai, China: China Baptist Publication Society. 1933. Reprinted by Global Awakening, Mechanicsburg, PA. 2005.
Crowder, John. Miracle Workers, Reformers, and the New Mystics: How to Become Part of the Supernatural Generation. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image. 2006.
Crowder, John. The Ecstasy of Loving God: Trances, Raptures, and the Supernatural Pleasures of Jesus Christ. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image. 2009.
Dallimore, Arnold A. George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival. London: The Banner of Truth Trust. 1970.
Daniels, W. H. The Illustrated History of Methodism in Great Britain and America, From the Days of the Wesleys to the Present Time. New York: Philips & Hunt. 1880.
Davies, Larry. www.sowingseedsoffaith.com. February 26, 2012.
DeArteaga, William. Quenching the Spirit: Discover the REAL Spirit behind the Charismatic Controversy. Creation House. 1996. [Editor’s note: See also William De Arteaga’s author page at PneumaReview.com and Mike Dies’ review]
DeCenso Jr., Frank (ed.). God’s Supernatural Power in You. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image. 2009.
Ferguson, Charles W. Organizing to Beat the Devil: Methodists and the Making of America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company. 1971.
Galli, Mark. “Revival at Cane Ridge”. Christian History. Issue 45 (Vol. XIV, No.1).
Hebert, Albert. J. Saints Who Raised the Dead: True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles. Rockford, IL: Tan Books and Publishers. 1986.
Hyatt, Eddie. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity: A 21st Century Look at Church History from a Pentecostal/Charismatic Perspective. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House. 2002. [Editor’s note: See also Eddie Hyatt’s author page at PneumaReview.com and Raul Mock’s review]
Category: In Depth, Summer 2018