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Discovering Biblical Equality, reviewed by Patricia Riley

Discovering Biblical EqualityRonald W. Pierce, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, gen. eds., Gordon D. Fee, contributing editor, Discovering Biblical Equality: Complimentarity Without Hierarchy (Downer’s Grove: IVP, 2005), 528 pages, ISBN 9780830828340.

Ronald W. Pierce (Biola) and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis have edited a carefully constructed volume that aims to inform and persuade while remaining calm in the midst of discussion. The editors have done a good job making sure the authors speak with one voice; the chapters cross-reference each other, do not overlap, or contradicted another.

The 29 essays are divided into 5 sections starting with a historical review on women in ministry. Section 2 is a review of key Biblical texts from Genesis to 1 Peter. Section 3 focuses on the logical and theological perspective. An excellent response to complementarians is put forward here. Section 4 looks like the hermeneutical and cultural perspectives. Roger Nicole and Gordon Fee explain the basics of evangelical hermeneutics. Section 5 is aimed at practical application and is the weakest section with some chapters a bit polemical. Overall, it is a good survey of the topic but more reliable on the evangelical egalitarian position than the patriarchal side. A reader seeking to see that side must consult another book.

Reviewed by Patricia Riley.

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About the Author: Patricia Riley, PhD (Regent University), has taught numerous adult Bible Studies at St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Eastpointe, Michigan where she works at the Legacy Gift Coordinator. Dr. Riley has written several articles for the Italian/English encyclopedia about Protestant heroes of the Faith, Testimoni della fede nella Chiese della reforma (Rome: Nuova’ Citta Editrice Della P.A.M.O.M.).

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