Discovering Biblical Equality, reviewed by Patricia Riley
Ronald W. Pierce, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, gen. eds., Gordon D. Fee, contributing editor, Discovering Biblical Equality: Complimentarity Without Hierarchy (Downer’s Grove: IVP, 2005), 528 pages, ISBN 9780830828340.
Ronald W. Pierce (Biola) and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis have edited a carefully constructed volume that aims to inform and persuade while remaining calm in the midst of discussion. The editors have done a good job making sure the authors speak with one voice; the chapters cross-reference each other, do not overlap, or contradicted another.
The 29 essays are divided into 5 sections starting with a historical review on women in ministry. Section 2 is a review of key Biblical texts from Genesis to 1 Peter. Section 3 focuses on the logical and theological perspective. An excellent response to complementarians is put forward here. Section 4 looks like the hermeneutical and cultural perspectives. Roger Nicole and Gordon Fee explain the basics of evangelical hermeneutics. Section 5 is aimed at practical application and is the weakest section with some chapters a bit polemical. Overall, it is a good survey of the topic but more reliable on the evangelical egalitarian position than the patriarchal side. A reader seeking to see that side must consult another book.
Reviewed by Patricia Riley.
Category: In Depth