Summer 2005: Other Significant Articles
Curtiss Paul DeYoung, Michael O. Emerson, George Yancey, and Karen Chai Kim, “All Churches Should Be Multiracial” Christianity Today (April 2005), pages 32-35.
This excerpt from United by Faith: The Multiracial Congregation as an Answer to the Problem of Race (Oxford, 2003) is a summary of the biblical argument made by the book. The article is followed by a forum of four pastors—black, white, Latino, and Asian—responding to this thesis.
The article was available online (at the time of printing):
The forum entitled “Harder than Anyone Can Imagine” was found here:
Enrichment (Winter 2005)
This issue of the journal for Assemblies of God ministers has the theme of “Pentecost: Empowerment for Life-changing Ministry” and is full of numerous articles on the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Articles include “Pentecostal Ministry in a Postmodern Culture” by Howard Young; “They Spoke with Tongues and Prophesied” by Roger Stronstad; marks of a Pentecostal life and church; a new model for presenting the classical Pentecostal doctrine of initial evidence; and historical glimpses of Pentecostal forerunners.
At the time of printing, information about this issue, including several full articles, was available online at:
Jack W. Hayford, “The Apostolic ‘Right Stuff’” Ministries Today (Nov/Dec, 2004), pages 98, 96-97.
Pastor Jack does not have a problem with apostleship today, but he does have deep disagreements with so-called apostles who are not meeting the biblical requirements of being one. He says character and servanthood tell us more about someone’s “apostleship” than their title or accomplishments.
At the time of this writing, this article was available online at this URL: [inactive as of Oct 20, 2014].
Category: Summer 2005