Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Context of Genre, Part 2, by Craig S. Keener
In this chapter from the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, Craig S. Keener continues with a study of laws in the Bible, Biblical prayer and songs, proverbs, and romance literature.
As appearing in Pneuma Review Summer 2005.

Take a course on biblical interpretation with New Testament scholar, Professor Craig S. Keener.
For an introduction to the Context of Genre, see the Spring 2005 edition of the Pneuma Review.
Laws in the Bible
Biblical laws have much to teach us about justice, even if we need to take into account the culture and era of history they addressed. Thus God informs Israel that no other nation has such righteous laws as they do (Deut 4:8) and the psalmist celebrates and meditates continually on God’s law (Ps 119:97).
The law remains good and useful for ethical teaching, provided we use it properly.
Ancient Near Eastern law set the tone for which issues had to be addressed; Israel’s laws addressed many of the same issues as Mesopotamian law. The Code of Hammurabi and other legal collections addressed ear-boring (Ex 21:6); debt-slavery (21:7); the treatment of enslaved captives (21:9); causing a miscarriage (21:22); eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth (21:23-25); negligence regarding an ox (21:28-36); brideprice (22:16-17); local responsibility for bloodguilt there (Deut 21:9-10); and so forth.
Biblical laws have much to teach us about justice, even if we need to take into account the culture and era of history they addressed.
Category: Biblical Studies, Summer 2005