Looking for Good Writers: Have Something to Say?
We are looking for new writers
The PneumaReview.com editorial committee is always looking for good writers that speak to our audience of Pentecostal and charismatic church leaders. Our vision is to build a bridge between the seminary and the local church and to create an online forum where Christians of all traditions can discuss the gifts of the Spirit for today.
How to get started
I welcome you to peruse PneumaReview.com. Consider leaving some comments under articles you find interesting, or sharing them through social media. As you become more aware of our audience and the kinds of material we are publishing, let us know you are interested in getting involved or make submissions by sending an email to the editor on our Contact page (this is a link to our legacy site, PneumaFoundation.org).
Reviewing books
An excellent way to get started is by reviewing books. Have you read something recently that you would like to reflect on? Mike Dies, our reviews editor, prefers reviews between 500 and 1200 words, with 700 as an ideal target. Write to the Editor if you would like to be added to our list of writers that receives the list of books we are currently seeking reviewers for.
Have you written a book?
PneumaReview.com often features full chapters from published books. Consider asking the editors about making one of your chapters available. This exposure promotes your book for exactly the right reasons: readers will get a taste and they’ll want more. We would be glad to work with your publisher to make an excerpt available.
Other Media
Moving from print to an online digital format has been an exciting transition for us, and we are still investigating new avenues to reach our expanded audience effectively. Speak with us about featuring an audio or video recording of a lecture, teaching, or paper presentation you have made.
New content and previously published content
The editorial committee prefers to consider articles, chapters, reviews, and papers that have not yet appeared online. Work that has already been published in print is welcome, but we do not usually republish material that can already be found on the world wide web. If you have a blog where you would like to have your work appear, let us know that and we can work with you to have it appear first at PneumaReview.com and then on your website.
Authors retain their rights
Authors retain full rights to their intellectual property. By submitting it for consideration, authors are granting PneumaReview.com the license to publish it through our outlets.
We need you
PneumaReview.com and our parent organization, the Pneuma Foundation, are volunteer-run ministries. We cannot continue without help from Christian leaders like you. Thank you for looking at how you may become involved.
Raul Mock, Executive Editor
Further reading: Insights: feedback and the editorial process
Category: Get Involved