Insights on Bible Interpretation
Although they consider it the Word of God, most Christians—including ministers—have difficulty interpreting the Bible in a proper manner. Some look for hidden mystical interpretations inconsistent with the guidelines of hermeneutics (the art of Bible interpretation). On the other hand, one need not be a theologian for the Bible to make sense. If you have been hindered in your Bible study because of your fears and concerns, keep in mind that God wants you to understand His Word. If you have a desire to learn more about the Bible and mature in Christ, then this article will help you grow spiritually as you study His Word.
It’s Time to Learn the Basics
Great preachers and teachers may inspire you, but the deep truths of Scripture are discovered through personal Bible study.
Great preachers and teachers may inspire you, but the deep truths of Scripture are discovered through personal Bible study.
Is the Bible Too Spiritual to Understand?
Since the Bible is a spiritual book you may say, “What will I learn from a book that is so spiritually complex?” You will learn more than you may imagine if you are the following:
- A born again believer (John 3:3). Whether a person is a scholar or member of the laity, he/she must have experienced the new birth in order to fully comprehend the message of the Bible.
- A disciplined believer (2 Tim. 2: 1-4). A believer is commanded to be diligent and faithful in his/her study to become a good solider. Discipline and training prepares him/her to teach others once progress is made toward Christian maturity.
- A willing believer (Psa. 119:30). A believer must have a desire to be trustworthy, and to please the Lord. Psalm 119:30 highlights faithfulness in keeping the ordinances of God as self-imposed criteria.
Proper Tools are Needed to Guarantee Accuracy

Image: Hannah Busing
Learn from a Study Bible. Use one having a place to jot down you own handwritten notes. Take time to ponder and reflect on what you have written in your notes. Most Study Bibles contain numerous commentary notes; but be sure to compare the Study Bible commentary with other commentaries. If you use only one Study Bible and trust only its commentary for biblical accuracy, you will never develop a deep understanding of scripture.
Learn by studying different versions to gain deeper insight. Most Bibles agree on the essentials of scripture, although caution should be exercised when using a paraphrase. Although paraphrases may help the reader to better understand the Word of God, it is wise to consult a dynamic equivalent or literal version to achieve biblical accuracy.
Learn from a Bible dictionary. No tool is more important than a Bible dictionary. It explains archaeology, customs, climates, people, dates, doctrines, herbs, politics, empires, animals, and much more.
Learn from a concordance. Some Bibles have concordances, but in most instances they are not exhaustive. However, the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is considered one of the best. Time-tested and inexpensive, it lists every word in both the Old and New Testaments.
Learn from a commentary. Commentaries often explain the Bible verse-by-verse. Evangelical commentaries rarely disagree on major points of scripture, and these are helpful to an interpreter for gaining more knowledge.
Learn from an English dictionary. Some words used today in various English Bibles are archaic. Use a dictionary to look up the definition of hard-to-understand words.
Learn from a word dictionary of the Bible. Difficult words are strewn throughout the Bible; and in many cases the original word in an English Bible may not mean what you think it does. A popular word dictionary helpful to interpreters is Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words.
Basic Principles of Interpretation
Pray. Ask the Lord to enlighten you and give you insight.
Search for Insight. Bible reading alone will not give you insight. Insight is acquired only by studying and reflecting on various subjects, themes, people, verses, words, events, etc.
Consider the type of passage. Ask yourself: What kind of Scripture (or passage) am I studying? Is it prophetic (apocalyptic), law, parabolic, simile, psalm, instructional, wisdom (poetical), discourses, or narrative? Various types of passages will mandate different methods of interpretation. Also, the books of the Bible should be studied in context, or in light of proper interpretation. Begin by considering the background and author of each book, and to whom it is addressed, before you draw conclusions. For example, interpreting the book of Revelation requires different guidelines than those required for studying Genesis.
Examine unique words and phrases used by biblical writers. God is the author of all scripture, but men “wrote” (or recorded) as God inspired them. For example, in the Gospels we find that Mark wrote to the Roman people. Romans were fond of power and action; thus Mark’s repeated use of “straightaway” (i.e., immediately) gains the attention of a Roman audience. On the other hand, Matthew desired to appeal to Jews. In doing so, he was careful to use terms with which Jewish people were familiar; such as “Messiah,” and the “Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew avoided the term “Kingdom of God” as often as possible so as not to inflame the passion of Jews since they were forbidden to say or write the name of God. John focuses on the universal appeal of Christ and is concerned that people everywhere “believe” in Jesus, the Son of God. John uses the term “believe” over 50 times in the Gospel he penned.
Take time to research maps and locations of certain events. Most Bible students know who Moses is, but are unable to pinpoint the locations where certain events occurred in his life. Furthermore, most Bible students do not know the places where Jesus traveled during His 3 ½ years of ministry. Nor do they know where He performed miracles and healings, gave discourses, or talked to the religious, royal, or common people.
Learn to recognize frequently used figures of speech. It’s important that you learn what is literal and what is figurative. During the time the Bible was penned by human beings, various figures of speech were used. Even in modern times we use many of figures of speech. A popular contemporary American term is “Get out of my face.” We understand this to mean “Depart,” “Go away,” or “Leave me alone.” However, it is doubtful that two thousand years from today people would understand this term. The Bible contains many such figures of speech and it’s important not to develop a literal (or systematic) theology based on these terms.
In His Grip,
Dr. Harbuck
From the February 2010 edition of The Grapevine. Used with permission.
Category: Biblical Studies, Winter 2025