The Holy Spirit’s Role in the End Times: A Pneumatological View of Eschatology, by Bernie Townsend
The current research shows that the Spirit is seeking intimacy with followers to help prepare them for for life in Christ. This is a relationship which transcends doctrine, tradition, even the Word, but never conflicts with what is written in Scripture. It presents the prospect of dialogue with the Author of Life Himself, which Pinnock suggests in terms of a courtship. He describes a romantic seeking invitation as described in the Song of Songs or preparation of Esther for her meeting with the king[34]. It is a relationship that is fully consummated in eternity.
The research undertaken for this assignment and documented in this essay proves the hypothesis.
Biblical studies from Jesus teaching in the Gospels, Luke’s writings in Acts, Paul’s epistles, together with extracted writings of selected reputable theologians, all confirm it. The sources jointly describe the active role the Holy Spirit plays of bringing about God’s promise of eternity with the Father and His Son Jesus[35]. The trinitarian view is paramount in that the role of the Holy Spirit emanates from the Son and His Father and is focused on bringing their will to pass and glorifying Jesus.
The Christian tradition is that life is changing, not ended[36], and that eternal life awaits us all. This fact opens up unexpected possibilities, which include (the actions of) the very (merciful and restorative) being of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit[37] This is the role of the Spirit, in our midst; as we approach the end times. Recognise Him, and embrace Him!

About the Author: Bernie Townsend, MTh (Laidlaw College, New Zealand), is a retired public servant with significant years of service in finance and financial systems. He is the author of The Life and Works of Octavius Hadfield, a Kapiti Missionary: From a Christian Perspective, a Basic Missiological Primer (2011).