Graham Cooke: Approaching The Heart Of Prophecy
Graham Cooke, Approaching The Heart Of Prophecy: A Journey Into Encouragement, Blessing And Prophetic Gifting (Winston-Salem, NC: Punch Press, 2006), 282 pages, ISBN 9780977080786.
Graham Cooke’s new book Approaching The Heart Of Prophecy: A Journey Into Encouragement, Blessing And Prophetic Gifting is volume one of what will be a six book set known as The Prophetic Equipping Series. This series is based on a major rewrite of his earlier book,Developing Your Prophetic Gifting, and will include new material as well. Future volumes in the series will be Prophetic Protocol, Prophetic Wisdom, The Prophetic Impact, Prophetic Partnerships and Prophecy And The Ways Of God. Volume two of the series, Prophetic Protocol, is scheduled to be released in either February or March of 2007.
Approaching The Heart Of Prophecy, like Cooke’s earlier work, Developing Your Prophetic Gifting, deals with practical aspects of the use of the prophetic gifts. While the book certainly contains theology, it is not mainly a theological work.
The book is divided into four modules. Module one is titled “The Exercise of Prophecy.” In this section, Cooke stresses the grace aspect of the prophetic gifts. He writes about the importance of having a proper view of the nature of God and having God’s heart when operating in prophetic gifts. He says that it is important that we see people as God sees them. Also in this module Cooke talks about his belief that prophecy comes to the prophetic person in three stages: a word of knowledge, a word of prophecy and a word of wisdom. In Cooke’s words, “A word of knowledge opens up the issue, a prophetic word speaks God’s heart into it, and a word of wisdom tells us how to respond to God.” Thus, his counsel to prophetic people is to speak the second thing revealed, not the first. Also in this module Cooke addressed some of the things in a prophetic person’s life that can taint their gift.
Module number two is titled “The Process of Prophecy.” In this section Cooke lists a number of things that are important for a prophetic person to pursue in order to be effective for God. He mentions the need for humility, rejoicing, meditation, waiting on God, the importance of speaking in tongues and the practice of unceasing prayer. In this section he also speaks a little more about the three phases of revelation that he introduced in the first module. This module also contains a list of the various ways in which God communicates prophetically. God can communicate through dreams, visions, words, Scripture or impressions.
Module number three is titled “The Purpose of Prophecy.” In this section Cooke discusses nine purposes of the prophetic gifts. The purposes are: to restore people’s dignity and self-respect, to edify, encourage and comfort the church, to bring correction and warning, to provide direction and enhance vision, to open up the teaching of the Word and confirm preaching, to release the church into new doctrine or practice (note: don’t get worried about this one), to provide insight into counseling situations, to provide evangelistic breakthroughs and to provide an agenda for prayer. In this module he also deals with four arguments that are used against prophetic gifting.
Category: Spirit, Summer 2007