Earl Creps: Fighting the Future
Earl Creps, “Fighting the Future: What’s in store for the charismatic/Pentecostal movement: adaptation or extinction?” Ministries Today (Jul/Aug 2004), pages 50-54.
A fight for survival? An exciting challenge?
The culture in North America has experienced a significant shift. Many call this new philosophy of life “postmodernism,” even if using such labels recall the old culture of “modernity.” Whatever you call it, this shift is pervasive and it appears to be here to stay.
How the church is to respond to this paradigm shift is the subject of the article “Fighting the Future.” From the title, we hear Earl Crep’s opinion of what most churches are doing in response to the “threat” of change this new culture brings us.
Creps has met pastors who cling to the culture that has defined the Pentecostal/charismatic movement and who believe that defending that culture against the possible alternatives defines faithfulness. There are also emerging leaders who believe they must eliminate anything “pentecostal” in order to be relevant to the broader culture. Creps says, “Abandoning our experience of the Spirit is not an option, but conducting ministry as if we are still in a hotel conference room in 1984 may actually limit the operation of the Spirit in the 21st Century.” He urges a third way be considered, adaptation to the cultural realities without forsaking the supernatural. He calls for spiritual mentorship and self-disciplined ministry that refocuses on Jesus’ mission and makes space for well-rounded charismatic ministry.
I recommend this article to all ministry leaders as an excellent introduction to the critical place of decision facing us all. The Body of Christ must heed the voice of the Spirit lest we become caught up in traditions (good or bad) that raise blockades to the ministry of the Anointed One.
Reviewed by Raul Mock
The full text of the article is available at http://ministrytodaymag.com/index.php/ministry-today-archives/159-trends-and-culture/9310-fighting-the-future [as of Aug 25, 2014]
Category: Ministry, Winter 2005