Denzil Miller: How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Denzil R. Miller, How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Springfield MO: AIA Publications, 2013).
Dr. Denzil R. Miller has written an important and timely work that will be a great tool for pastors and teachers of the Pentecostal persuasion.
This small e-book lists all the ingredients that are necessary for a much neglected subject. Miller begins by addressing what he calls a “troubling decline in spiritual experience”, which can be reversed as there is a “reawakening among Pentecostal preachers”. He makes compelling arguments for preaching and teaching on this important subject.
This brief introduction followed by Miller addressing four preliminary considerations—priority, context, focus, and preach with faith, and three important goals—create desire, inspire expectant faith, and bring to clear understanding—gets the reader ready for the meat of his message—the sermon itself.
Miller provides the reader with an abundance of Scriptures to support his writing, which will be beneficial to the pastor and teacher.
He concludes by giving detailed information on conducting an altar call.
Pastors and teachers who have neglected preaching and teaching on this subject will be most grateful for this practical work.
Reviewed by Larry Russi
Find How to Preach on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit on the Decade of Pentecost free download page:
Category: Ministry, Spring 2016