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Category: Living the Faith

Wanting What the Lord Wants, an Interview with Paul King

Wanting What the Lord Wants, an Interview with Paul King

Paul King, who is a Bible teacher, evangelist, educator, historian, pastor, and cancer survivor, has distinguished qualifications to talk about what God has done and what God is doing. In this interview with, we speak with him about his own story and his recent book, Is It of God? that addresses crucial questions about […]

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Michael Brown: Jezebel's War With America

Michael Brown: Jezebel’s War With America

Michael L. Brown, Jezebel’s War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide (Lake Mary, FL: Frontline, 2019), 256 pages, ISBN 9781629996660. Dr. Michael Brown is a well-known figure in Pentecostal/Charismatic circles. He travels the world preaching, is the host of the Line of Fire program, […]

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How Old Will I Be In Heaven?

How Old Will I Be In Heaven?

Foursquare Pastor Daniel Brown continues his study about the final reality. That brings up the question, How old will we be in Heaven—will everyone be the same age, regardless of their age of death on earth? This is most often asked by mothers who have lost a child in the womb or very early in […]

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Eddie Hyatt: Angels of Light

Eddie Hyatt: Angels of Light

Eddie L. Hyatt, Angels of Light: False Prophets and Deceiving Spirits at Work Today in the Church and the World (Hyatt Press, 2018), 120 pages, ISBN 9781888435252. Deception has seeped into the church since its founding and it seems to be intensifying as we get closer to the Lord’s return. For example, at the time […]

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To the Limit: A brief memoir by Chas Carrin

To the Limit: A brief memoir by Chas Carrin

As Charles Carrin celebrates the many blessings of God during his 70 years of fruitful ministry, you will learn of his deep concern for young church leaders and his desire to encourage them.   In 2019, I complete 70 years of Ordained Ministry. It all began in 1949 when I shoved my suitcase onto a […]

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Tish Harrison Warren: Liturgy of the Ordinary

Tish Harrison Warren: Liturgy of the Ordinary

Tish Harrison Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2016), 182 pages, ISBN 9780830846238. For Christian believers not engaged in ‘typical’ church ministries, it may be difficult to find anything sacred about the day-to-day activities that occupy our mind and energy. Whether it’s doing housework, chauffeuring the kids […]

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Tolkien: A Life of Love, Courage, and Fellowship

Tolkien: A Life of Love, Courage, and Fellowship

Tolkien: A Life of Love, Courage, and Fellowship (Fox Searchlight Pictures/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2019). I was skeptical. I fully expected the film to about the inspiration behind The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and these were represented, but not the focus. If you are familiar with his works, then you will […]

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Matthew Schmitz: Immigration Idealism: A Case for Christian Realism

Matthew Schmitz: Immigration Idealism: A Case for Christian Realism

Matthew Schmitz, “Immigration Idealism: A Case for Christian Realism” First Things (May 2019). As usual, the writing of Matthew Schmitz, senior editor of First Things, is clear and cogent—and courageous. He fearlessly tackles daunting topics such as, in this case, immigration. It is a genuine pleasure to follow his almost seamless integration of personal testimony, […]

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Praying the News: Notre Dame Fire

Praying the News: Notre Dame Fire

Some tragedies are permitted by God for a greater good, to bring into focus an evil or unsatisfactory situation. An example from the Bible is the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by Babylonian invaders. Perhaps the burning of Notre Dame is such an event. Notre Dame has been the symbol for Catholicism and France’s Christian heritage […]

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A Thinking Man’s Guide to Remembering the Basics

A Thinking Man’s Guide to Remembering the Basics

Regularly returning, remembering, and refreshing how we live out the basics is important for spiritual growth. This workbook by Don Allen was originally published as a guest article on the Pneuma Foundation website, the legacy site for the parent organization for   Remember the Basics “Keep it simple, when you get too complex you […]

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Bob Cutillo: Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age

Bob Cutillo: Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age

Bob Cutillo, Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016), 196 pages, ISBN 9781433551109. Advances in healthcare have led to increase in worry over one’s own well-being, wasteful spending, and a lack of concern for the well-being of others in our community. Indeed, we have come to view health as a commodity to […]

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Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Leaders Expect Criticism Because They Lead

Some people feel they are clever or great. But criticism has the power to destroy them and cause them to crash. Criticism is a powerful tool in the hands of parents, corporate bosses, pastors, lovers, mean-spirited people, and congregational members. Probably “criticism” is the greatest power in the hands of an enemy. Because human beings […]

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Following in His Steps

Following in His Steps

Edie Mourey is an author, editor, historian, and granddaughter of Pentecostal pioneer Ivan Spencer. In this warm story about her adventure to learn more about her own heritage, she discovered anew how all of us that follow hard after Jesus become part of His legacy.   Americans seem obsessed with discovering their ancestry. With DNA […]

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Planting Churches in the Most Difficult Places: An interview with Dick Brogden

Planting Churches in the Most Difficult Places: An interview with Dick Brogden LIVE|DEAD is an interesting name for a ministry, please explain the meaning of the name. Dick Brogden: Live Dead was birthed out of a desire to see teams planting churches among every unreached people group (UPG) in East Africa. At the time, my wife and I were leading a multi-cultural church planting team in […]

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