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Category: Living the Faith

William De Arteaga: The Public Prayer Station

William De Arteaga: The Public Prayer Station

William De Arteaga, The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the Nones (Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2018), 73 pages, ISBN 9781609471415. Dr. William De Arteaga, a semi-retired Anglican priest, continues to be passionately tethered to the ministries of intercessory prayer and healing, having approximately 48 years of experience. He was […]

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Michelle Lelwica: Shameful Bodies

Michelle Lelwica: Shameful Bodies

Michelle Mary Lelwica, Shameful Bodies: Religion and the Culture of Physical Improvement (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017), 271 pages, ISBN 9781472594938. Shameful Bodies is written as an exploration of the embedded assumptions that cause us to judge individuals whose bodies do not fit the cultural norms of society. Lelwica examines the influence of religion and dominant […]

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Peace Through Christ: A Christmas Truce

Peace Through Christ: A Christmas Truce

A heartwarming account by Jim Linzey about a Christmas Truce in 1944 when a German woman refused to turn away any who came to her in need. One of the most inspiring stories of peace through Christ among ardent enemies unfolded in a potentially volatile setting. Here is the World War II story of a […]

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Indivisible, reviewed by Jim Linzey

Indivisible, reviewed by Jim Linzey

Indivisible (Pure Flix). Actors: Justin Bruening, Sarah Drew, and Jason George. Director: David G. Evans. Producer: Darren Moorman. Screenplay: Cheryl McKay, David G. Evans, Peter White. Indivisible is about the struggles of a military chaplain, Darren Turner, who served in Iraq and had close encounters with death. With the gradual onset of PTSD through numerous […]

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A Solemn Reflection on Massacre at L'Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh

A Solemn Reflection on Massacre at L’Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh

“There is a time for everything… a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance …” Ecclesiastes 3:1-4   The day after the gruesome massacre at L’Simcha (Tree of Life) Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, we lament the loss of 11 precious lives who died and the […]

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Brian Stiller: From Jerusalem to Timbuktu

Brian Stiller: From Jerusalem to Timbuktu

Brian C. Stiller, From Jerusalem to Timbuktu: A World Tour of the Spread of Christianity (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018), 220 pages, ISBN 978-0830845279. Brian C. Stiller has had a very rich and diverse ministry experience. He has served as the president of Tyndale University College & Seminary, written books, founded and edited Faith Today […]

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Lee Strobel: The Case for Miracles

Lee Strobel: The Case for Miracles

Lee Strobel, The Case for Miracles: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Supernatural (Zondervan, 2018), 320 pages, ISBN 9780310259183 The Case for Miracles marks the latest installment in Lee Strobel’s series of “The Case for…” books. Strobel, a former atheist and award winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, is probably best known for his […]

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Interceding for Healing

Interceding for Healing

A posting from the Rev. Dr. William De Arteaga on ways of engaging in effective long-distance healing prayer. Like much of his work, this has the potential to be both edifying and controversial. I call a certain form of intercessory prayer “spirit to spirit prayer.” It is generally long distance intercessory prayer of a special […]

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Kingdom Family Conference 2018

Kingdom Family Conference 2018

What God is doing in the world today? Pastor John Lathrop tells us about a move of the Holy Spirit in Southeast Asia. A significant Christian conference was held in Indonesia between July 4th and July 6th, it was called the Kingdom Family Conference. My wife and I had the honor of being present for […]

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Matthew Kaemingk: Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear

Matthew Kaemingk: Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear

Matthew Kaemingk, Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018), 338 pages. The kind of book Evangelical Christians need to be reading on navigating Christian-Muslim relations today is the kind of book Matthew Kaemingk has written in Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear. So then, […]

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Five Pillars on which the American Republic was Founded

Five Pillars on which the American Republic was Founded

Religious liberty was important to those that risked everything to break away from Britain to form the USA. Did they anticipate a secular nation? Christian historian Eddie L. Hyatt is passionate about making known the true story of America’s founding. America was founded on Christian principles and values. It was not founded as a theocracy. […]

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Dean Merrill, A Higher Code

Dean Merrill, A Higher Code

Read an excerpt from Dean Merrill’s, Miracle Invasion: Amazing true stories of the Holy Spirit’s gifts at work today. David Killingsworth may have been the honored guest speaker that Sunday night at a multicultural church in Phoenix, but this didn’t stop a humble Navajo lady from approaching him at the end of the service to […]

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When it is Dangerous to Believe in Jesus

When it is Dangerous to Believe in Jesus has received this introduction for a testimony about how God is working and drawing people to himself in places we might not expect. The commentator asked not to be identified as the author because of their own ministry in Muslim majority areas around the world.     In this video you will hear the […]

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Religious Freedom Victory: US Supreme Court rules in favor of Colorado cake artist’s freedom

Religious Freedom Victory: US Supreme Court rules in favor of Colorado cake artist’s freedom

From the press release by Alliance Defending Freedom: “Two men filed a complaint with the state of Colorado after they asked cake artist Jack Phillips to design a wedding cake to celebrate their same-sex ceremony. In an exchange lasting about 30 seconds, Phillips politely declined, explaining that he would gladly make them any other type […]

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