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Category: Living the Faith

Pentecost and the Inside-Out Church

Pentecost and the Inside-Out Church

  A timely reminder of the empowerment of the Spirit in our daily lives. Not long ago a young woman I’ll call Karen asked if she could talk with me about her plans for the future. I had known Karen for several years but I hadn’t seen her in a long, long time. She said […]

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John Arnott: Living in Revival

John Arnott: Living in Revival

  John Arnott, “Living in Revival,” Spread the Fire (Issue 5, 2001), pages 6-9. John Arnott, pastor of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, describes in this article the characteristics of the “Toronto Revival” and what effect he says this move of the Holy Spirit should have on believers in the future. One of the common […]

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Os Guinness: Time for Truth

Os Guinness: Time for Truth

    Os Guinness, Time for Truth: Living Free in a World of Lies, Hype, and Spin (Baker Books, 2000), 125 pages, ISBN 9780801064036. Have you ever run into someone who was so gifted you felt intimidated? Os Guinness is such a person for me. When I read something that he has authored, I am […]

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Being Watchful: E-Mail Hoaxes and Scams

Being Watchful: E-Mail Hoaxes and Scams

When the Holy Spirit takes a hardened heart and makes it soft and pliable, that heart becomes loving and merciful in ways not thought possible before. As Bible-believing and loving followers of Jesus we want to be susceptible to the needs and cry for help that is found in those bound-up hearts that have not […]

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Thoughts to Ponder: March 2002

Thoughts to Ponder: March 2002

“Love is the first comforter, and where love and truth speak the love will be felt where the truth is never perceived. Love indeed is the highest of all truth; and the pressure of a hand, a kiss, the caress of a child, will do more to save sometimes, than the wisest argument, even rightly […]

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Thoughts to Ponder: January 2002

Thoughts to Ponder: January 2002

  “We must work passionately and infatigably to bridge the gulf between our scientific progress and our moral progress. One of the great problems of mankind is that we suffer from a poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to our scientific and technological abundance. The richer we have become materially, the poorer […]

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Worldviews in Conflict: Christian Cosmology and the Recent Doctrine of Spiritual Mapping (Part 2)

Worldviews in Conflict: Christian Cosmology and the Recent Doctrine of Spiritual Mapping (Part 2)

  Editor note: Readers are encouraged to join this conversation about strategic-level spiritual warfare, spiritual mapping, and living the Spirit-filled life. Please add your comments under the article.     Satan in the Bible When dealing with the related doctrines of Satan and demons, it has become almost customary to cite the warning from C.S. […]

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Three Commitments, by John Wimber

Three Commitments, by John Wimber

If you want to know what kind of Christian you are, get your checkbook out, and look at your calendar. We need to make three commitments. One to Christ. You can’t get in without that commitment. But it’s “Christ, Savior” as well as “Christ, Lord.’ So many people don’t understand the issue of lordship. But […]

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Pneuma Review Interviews Charisma editor Lee Grady

Pneuma Review Interviews Charisma editor Lee Grady

Interview with Charisma editor, J. Lee Grady: Special to the Pneuma Review Pneuma Review: Many in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement have said that the church is experiencing renewal. Do you agree, and if so, how has it touched you? Lee Grady: There is no question that the charismatic church has experienced a level of renewal since […]

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Worldviews in Conflict: Christian Cosmology and the Recent Doctrine of Spiritual Mapping (Part 1)

Worldviews in Conflict: Christian Cosmology and the Recent Doctrine of Spiritual Mapping (Part 1)

    Editor’s Introduction to Worldviews in Conflict Welcome to the Dialogue It is my privilege to introduce this paper by Larry Taylor and a dialogue about a practice many have embraced without first weighing the theological consequences. Our subject is the teaching of spiritual mapping, identifying and expelling territorial demonic forces. This teaching has […]

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Muslims Tell "Why I Chose Jesus?"

Muslims Tell “Why I Chose Jesus?”

“Muslims Tell ‘Why I Chose Jesus’” by J. Dudley Woodberry and Russell G. Shubin. Mission Frontiers (March 2001). Pp. 28-33. Woodberry and Shubin have compiled a number of testimonies of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah, thereby reminding all of us of the life-changing power of the gospel. It is no secret that […]

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A Crown, by Murray Hohns

A Crown, by Murray Hohns

I served as a mediator the other day. I have mediated many disputes over the past ten or fifteen years, but the last one was different than all the others. It involved a dispute between four Christian businessmen who had dissolved their partnership and in so doing had become deeply divided. To their credit, they […]

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Consumer or Consumee

Consumer or Consumee

Are misplaced priorities making you a bad report to the world around you? Pastor Mur asks if you are living in the Promised land or if your life is being eaten up by promising to do too much. Numbers 13:32 contains a thought or sentence that most of us have never noticed. This section of […]

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Why blow the shofar if nothing is changing?

Why blow the shofar if nothing is changing?

A reader writes to Kevin Williams about his article, “The Call of the Shofar” that appeared in the Winter 2001 issue of the Pneuma Review and was later excerpted in the email newsletter. I rarely have time to peruse the material in your electronic newsletter but now the article by Kevin Williams caught my attention. […]

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