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Category: Living the Faith

Speaking with Don Horwitz

Speaking with Don Horwitz

The Executive Director of Christians Care International, Don Horwitz, speaks with about anti-Semitism, the relationship between the Church and Judaism, and his own journey to help the vulnerable and abused in the former Soviet Union. Please tell us a little about yourself, your religious background, family, and your involvement with Christians Care […]

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Captivity Of The Mind: Spiritually Understanding Abnormal Human Behavior

Captivity Of The Mind: Spiritually Understanding Abnormal Human Behavior

Recently I was in a South Florida home with a young man who had captured a wild hawk and in a short time had converted it into an obedient Falcon. At the sound of a whistle, the bird would fly from its perch, light on the man’s arm, take food offered it, and on command […]

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Oxygen Masks

Oxygen Masks

A story of justice and judgment from the life of Jesus. You can hear the same words every time you fly a commercial airline. “In the unlikely event the cabin should suddenly lose pressure … please fit the mask securely around your nose and mouth before assisting others.” Those little yellow cups attached to the […]

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A Lesson from the Past

A Lesson from the Past

I hope that you are off to a great year. First, I want to remind you that greatness is not the absence of adversity. Greatness is deeply rooted in our faith that God is God in spite of circumstances. It is such faith that empowers the greatness of your day. Secondly, I’ve been thinking about […]

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Islam and the Birth of Christ

Islam and the Birth of Christ

What do Muslims believe about the birth of Jesus, and how is it different from what Christians believe? Many Evangelical Christians are surprised to discover that Islam believes in Jesus as the Virgin-born Messiah and Prophet. Indeed, it is interesting we have many professing Christian leaders who deny the supernatural birth of Jesus, but all […]

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Christ in us brings hope to the world

Christ in us brings hope to the world

As the chilly winds blow, winter is settling in here in Virginia. 2016 is quickly coming to a close, making room for 2017. In many ways, 2017 will be a year of transition. The next president of the United States of America will be inaugurated; a new round of legislators will take their posts, and […]

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Let's Love Our Neighbors

Let’s Love Our Neighbors

I pray that you had a great weekend. This past week has been quite eventful for Americans. Now, we know who the new president-elect is. I only hope that, regardless of the nominee for whom you may have voted, we gather ourselves in prayer for President-elect Donald Trump just as I hope we pray for President […]

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Political Idols and the Possibility of Revival

Political Idols and the Possibility of Revival

People around the world are aware of the upcoming U.S. Presidential election and how contentious the campaigns have been. Historian William De Arteaga tells us about an essay he has published on his blog, Anglican Pentecostal. Many conservative Evangelical Christians are in torment with the thought of a new Clinton presidency. Certainly, the idea of […]

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We Need a Divine Reset

We Need a Divine Reset

This week, October 12th, is the Jew’s Day of Atonement or “Yom Kippur.”  This celebration is significant to Christians because Jesus became our atonement, fulfilling the human need for purgation from sin. 1 John 2:2 says, “He [Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of […]

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Religion and Pop Culture with Leah Payne: Fall 2016

Religion and Pop Culture with Leah Payne: Fall 2016

I love good stories—especially stories that introduce theological ideas in helpful ways. Every year I am on the lookout for T.V. shows that I can incorporate into my courses in Christian studies at George Fox University. Watch along with me this fall at:! From the September 3, 2016 blog post “My quest for a […]

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Mark Foreman: Prelude to Philosophy

Mark Foreman: Prelude to Philosophy

Mark W. Foreman, Prelude to Philosophy: An Introduction for Christians (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2013), 208 pages, ISBN 9780830896608. According to Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” But to many, if not most modern people, pursuing the examined life is unappealing and even unnecessary. In today’s environment, no one knows what “spirituality” is, […]

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Pray for Jesus-followers in Russia

Pray for Jesus-followers in Russia

Two foreign citizens are the first known victims of Russia’s new amendments punishing sharing beliefs, which came into force on the 20th of July. Although they were not deported, they were fined heavily. Forum18 reports that as of August 26, four individuals are known to have already been charged under the new provisions of the […]

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Don’t Forget the Poor: A Biblical Approach to Addressing Poverty

Don’t Forget the Poor: A Biblical Approach to Addressing Poverty

What has God called you to do? In this chapter from Your Call to Work & Mission: Following Jesus 24/7, Johan Mostert challenges all followers of Jesus to remember those trapped in poverty and take practical steps to demonstrate God’s love for them. Evangelism, global missions, and discipling others—topics from the previous section—are urgent. They […]

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Andy Crouch: Strong and Weak

Andy Crouch: Strong and Weak

Andy Crouch, Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing (IVP, 2016), 192 pages, ISBN 9780830844432. If life is meant to be about flourishing and leading others towards the same outcome, one might naturally ask how it can be attained? This is the question that Andy Crouch wrestles with in his […]

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