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Author Archive for William De Arteaga

William L. De Arteaga, Ph.D., is known internationally as a Christian historian and expert on revivals and the rebirth and renewal of the Christian healing movement. His major works include Quenching the Spirit: Discover the Real Spirit Behind the Charismatic Controversy (Creation House, 1992, 1996), Forgotten Power: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper in Revival (Zondervan, 2002), Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal (Wipf & Stock, 2015), and The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the Nones (Emeth Press, 2018). Bill pastored two Hispanic Anglican congregations in the Marietta, Georgia area, and is semi-retired. He continues in his healing, teaching and writing ministry and is the state chaplain of the Order of St. Luke, encouraging the ministry of healing in all Christian denominations. Facebook

Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden, “Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals” Crux (May 2, 2017). This very brief article in the Catholic journal Crux reveals that Pope Francis is hosting a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR hereafter). He admitted that when the CCR first came to Argentina […]

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Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger E. Olson, “Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be ‘Bridged?’” Patheos (February 27 and 28, 2017). Part 1. Part 2. This two-part article by the noted Evangelical scholar, Roger Olson, should be of interest to practically every reader of Pneuma Review. The article deals with two prominent theologians […]

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More Mercy

More Mercy

What have Christians believed through history about the ultimate fate of non-Christians? What about those who died before hearing about Jesus? What do Roman Catholics believe about purgatory and where does this belief come from? How would our theology about the deceased lost change if we understood 1 Peter 3-4 the way the Early Church […]

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Lee Grady: The Holy Spirit Wants to Fill You Again

Lee Grady: The Holy Spirit Wants to Fill You Again

J. Lee Grady, “The Holy Spirit Wants to Fill You Again,” Fire In My Bones (February 22, 2017). This is a brief, but important article. Lee Grady, one of the most mature and experienced Charismatic leaders of the present generation, urges us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and proceed with boldness to do […]

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Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 2

Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 2

  In Part 2 of “Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War,” William De Arteaga continues to challenge assumptions and asks if the Korean and Vietnam Wars could have been Just Wars.     The Indochina Wars The First Indochina war (1946-1954) began right after the end of WWII as the […]

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Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 1

Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 1

  Introduction This article is a spiritual and historical reflection on the two American wars of the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. Many younger American readers may not be aware that the British successfully fought a Communist insurgency in Malaya (1948-1960) and the French fought the First Indochina War against Communist insurgents from 1948-1953 (described below) […]

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Political Idols and the Possibility of Revival

Political Idols and the Possibility of Revival

People around the world are aware of the upcoming U.S. Presidential election and how contentious the campaigns have been. Historian William De Arteaga tells us about an essay he has published on his blog, Anglican Pentecostal. Many conservative Evangelical Christians are in torment with the thought of a new Clinton presidency. Certainly, the idea of […]

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The Charismatic Renewal

The Charismatic Renewal

  Historian William De Arteaga introduces us to the beginning and early years of the Charismatic Movement, when Pentecostalism and the gifts of the Spirit publicly and dramatically entered into the mainline churches.   Previous articles in this series covered the origins of Pentecostalism, and the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. Both groups played […]

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Prayer Stations to Bless Your Community

Prayer Stations to Bless Your Community

Looking for a practical way to reach your community and share the love of Jesus? The Prayer Station is a wonderful evangelistic ministry. It enables you to touch many persons who have never experienced healing prayer with the power of God. Being healed on the spot will utterly astound the “nones” (those with no religious […]

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The Christian Seder Meal as Sacrament and Precursor to the Fulfillment of Romans 11

The Christian Seder Meal as Sacrament and Precursor to the Fulfillment of Romans 11

Several weeks ago I posted a Facebook notice with pictures enthusiastically describing a Christian Passover I participated in at the church of Christ the King (Anglican) in Hiawassee, GA. The service was marked by observing the Jewish Passover rituals and prayers, but with Christian interpretations added. Some of the men of the parish, including the […]

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Roger Olson: What Baptists get wrong about the Sacraments

Roger Olson: What Baptists get wrong about the Sacraments

Roger E. Olson, “Why I Think Baptists (and ‘baptists’) Have It Wrong about the Sacraments” Patheos (May 27, 2016). I have found this article by Dr. Olson, professor of theology at Baylor University, most interesting. It is specifically limited to his fellow Baptists, but has much to commend it to a broader audience. Dr. Olson’s […]

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Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger Olson: Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?

Roger E. Olson, “Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?” Patheos (June 9, 2016). This is a most interesting article. The author, a noted Evangelical scholar and pastor, was involved in the early charismatic movement where he saw some of the extremes of the early charismatic deliverance movement. For instance, in some meetings, charismatic evangelists/exorcists provided the […]

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Denzil Miller: Overcoming the Enemy

Denzil Miller: Overcoming the Enemy

Denzil R. Miller, Overcoming the Enemy: How to Challenge and Defeat Demonic Spirits (Springfield, Missouri: AIA Publications, 2016). This work is part of a pamphlet series produced by the Assemblies of God World Mission for their Acts in Africa initiative. It can be downloaded without cost. The author is an Assemblies of God missionary to […]

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Praying the News

Praying the News

The “news” is by its nature, mostly negative. An airliner that makes it to its destination is not news, but one that falls out of the sky is. The national TV networks try to include positive news stories such as “the person of the week” segment on Friday night on CBS, but this hardly stops […]

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