America shall be Saved: An interview with Reinhard Bonnke
Reinhard Bonnke is an evangelist anointed by God to preach the good news around the world. His intense focus on proclaiming the love, power, and forgiveness found only in Jesus Christ has been blessed by the Lord in amazing ways. Pastor Bonnke has preached in front of more than 74 million. How did you know that the Lord called you to be an evangelist?
Reinhard Bonnke: God spoke to my heart and it came straight from heaven. That call was so strong, I have never been able to doubt it until today.
PR: Are there any evangelists who particularly inspired you?
Bonnke: The films of T.L. Osborn in Africa inspired me.
PR: Could you share a pivotal moment in your ministry?
Bonnke: The vision of a blood-washed Africa propelled me to go from Cape Town to Cairo and start Christ for all Nations.
PR: How important is your Pentecostal experience to the work that you do?
Bonnke: The Holy Spirit is the hand in the glove of the preached Gospel.
PR: In what ways does an evangelist support the local church?
Bonnke: Evangelism and the local church are inseparable. It’s like the Good Samaritan seeking an inn for the one he rescued.

Reinhard Bonnke preaching at the 2005 Crusade in Jos, Nigeria.
PR: In his book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, Philip Jenkins reported that Christianity is growing rapidly in the global South. Why do you think that these parts of the world are experiencing such growth?
Bonnke: Many of these nations have been held by false religions and now realize that the truth of the Gospel is setting them free.
PR: You said, “Africa shall be saved,” and preached to millions that Jesus would rescue them from their sins and make them a new creation. Now you say, “America shall be saved,” and you are rallying men and women to pray for the salvation of Americans. What must happen for a new awakening to come?
Bonnke: The original Gospel must be preached to see original results. The Holy Spirit has a firm part in it and our faith is the power-switch.
Thank you for speaking with us, Pastor Bonnke, and for your passionate pursuit of what God has called you to do.
– The editors at
Catch the Vision and pray for these outreaches: Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade
Comes to Florida, North Carolina, and New York in 2014
Category: Ministry, Summer 2014