What is Basic New Testament Doctrine?
Signs and Wonders Confirm the Word
The Apostle Paul equated his “fully preaching the gospel of Christ” by the attestation of “mighty signs and wonders” (Romans 15:19). That is, no “signs and wonders”, no full presentation of the gospel. The gospel itself is miraculous and should be verified miraculously. Not until contemporary times did the church’s unbelief force it to abandon faith in the Holy Spirit’s visible manifestations. That deception has caused some believers to credit genuine works of God to the devil. That is both blasphemous and dangerous. As a Ministry, we not only believe in the Spirit’s present-day miracles but we experience them. While this includes healings, deliverances, revelations, etc., the New Testament provides no list of such “signs and wonders”. It merely confirms that amazing things took place and that the Holy Spirit expects to continue them until the coming of Jesus.
The Church and the Kingdom
Jesus “loved the church and gave Himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25). While He spoke the word “church” only three times in the Gospels, Matthew 16:18, 18:17, He spoke of the Kingdom more than 130 times. Jesus established the church, nourished and protected it, all the while focusing His major attention on the Heavenly Kingdom. When churches reverse this order, placing themselves first, disaster results. Such congregations fail their true mission and lose Kingdom power. By being in submission to the Kingdom, from which they draw all authority and strength (Matthew 16:19), local churches become capable instructors in Scripture, providers of strong spiritual families, instruments for baptism, holy communion, and the operation for spiritual gifts. As part of the Body of Christ, the visible congregation is God’s tool for involving believers in world-evangelism and directing new converts to the all-important Kingdom. Whenever possible, every believer should be identified with a local Bible-believing church.
Deliverance Ministry
Thirty percent of Jesus’ recorded New Testament ministry was spent in direct conflict with unclean spirits. He declared that the proof of His Kingdom’s presence was the casting out of demons (Matthew 12:28), and commanded the disciples to continue doing so (Mark 16:17). We therefore believe in—and exercise—the ministry of deliverance from unclean spirits.
The Resurrection
There will be a resurrection and final judgement of the dead. Those redeemed in Christ will be saved, others will be lost. Jesus said, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46). The duration of one is as great as the other.
From Charles Carrin Ministries monthly newsletter, Gentle Conquest (March 2019). Used with permission.
Category: Biblical Studies, Winter 2020