The Drop Box, reviewed by John Lathrop
A film documentary about a Korean pastor saving abandoned babies.
The Drop Box is a documentary about the ministry of Pastor Lee Jong-rak in Seoul, South Korea. A significant problem in that city is the abandoning of babies. Some of these children are abandoned because they were born out of wedlock; others are abandoned because they have disabilities. Many have been left out on the streets. If they are not found in time they will die.
Pastor Jong-rak became aware of this problem and in 2009 set up a “drop box.” A person who is going to give up their baby can, from outside of the building, put their baby into this box. The box is in the wall of a house and so the baby is safe and kept out of the weather. Once the child is in the box the person dropping the child off can then ring a doorbell and the pastor will come to get the baby out of the box. The pastor has saved hundreds of children using the drop box.
This is a film about life, physical life and spiritual life. In the film some of the children who have been saved are shown. Many of these children have disabilities; they have been saved physically. The man who made the film was saved spiritually while making this film. He became a Christian as a result of what he saw while making this film.
One cannot help but be struck by the love, patience, self-sacrifice, compassion, and commitment of Pastor Jong-rak and his wife. They have a twenty-six year old son that they care for who has disabilities and in addition to that responsibility they carry on this ministry. In one scene in the film the pastor takes a child out of the drop box and immediately offers prayer thanking God for sparing the child’s life.
Pastor Jong-rak has his own health issues and yet he makes himself available even in the middle of the night to help these children. He believes that every human life has meaning and that children who have disabilities are our teachers. He and his wife have adopted other children with disabilities. He said that he adopted them because God adopted him.
This film shows a man moved with compassion and moved to action. My wife made the observation that this film shows the harsh realities of doing this ministry, they are not glossed over. If you are able to see this film be prepared to be moved by it. You can learn more about the film by going to the drop box website.
Reviewed by John Lathrop
Category: Ministry, Winter 2015