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Tag: "seminary"

Workshop of the Holy Spirit: An Invitation to Theological Education

Workshop of the Holy Spirit: An Invitation to Theological Education

Doug Strong and Jess Bielman, Workshop of the Holy Spirit: An Invitation to Theological Education (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2022), 152 pages, ISBN 9781532689093. Doug Strong and Jess Bielman offer this short volume intent on reimagining and reoffering an ancient medieval metaphor (the “workshop”) for contemporary practices of theological education that are integrative of the life […]

Seminary Now with Craig Keener

Seminary Now with Craig Keener

Have you ever read the Bible and not understood what you read? Have you ever wondered why? Have you found yourself wishing that you could better understand it? I would venture to guess that most, if not all, Christians would, to one degree or another, answer yes to these questions. In this free preview of […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

Pentecostal Theological Education: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

Asia Pacific Theological Seminary What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Dave Johnson, part of the faculty and leadership at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, introduces us to the school and the state of education in the Asia Pacific region of the world. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Latin America Theological Seminary

Pentecostal Theological Education: Latin America Theological Seminary

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? The President of Facultad de Teología, Allen Martin, tells us how this seminary is training men and women across the Spanish-speaking world. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from My name is Allen Martin and I have been a missionary with […]

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