Simon Holley: Sustainable Power
Holley deals openly, honestly, and compassionately with the real issues and questions that Christians have with regard to the supernatural power of God.
This book is very pastoral; Holley deals openly, honestly, and compassionately with the real issues and questions that Christians have with regard to the supernatural power of God. The supernatural, in the sense of healing and miracles, is “uncharted” territory in many churches. Getting started down this uncharted path can be a daunting thought, particularly if you do not have much of an idea about how to proceed. This book can be a help in that regard. In this volume one can learn from those who have already started down the path. For churches that have already started the journey perhaps they can glean some new insights from this book. You may not agree with everything you find in this book but you can certainly learn from it. The author admits that he does not write as one who has arrived but that his church has seen progress in salvations, healings, prophecy, and deliverance (page 12). These are areas that I trust all churches would like to see improvement in. May it be so Lord!
Reviewed by John Lathrop
Publisher’s page:
Category: Ministry, Spring 2016