Paul Elbert: Pastoral Letter to Theo
Elbert then moves from this potential misinterpretation in John regarding the heavenly Jesus’ ministry of baptism in the Holy Spirit to interpersonal spiritual gifts, as taught in 1 Corinthians. He begins this segment with 1 Corinthians 13:10 and contends that this verse has been venerated as a major proof-texting source by the modern dispensational/cessationistic mindset. After a brief discussion, Elbert closes by pointing out that since we do not see face-to-face Paul’s “that which is perfect” cannot refer either to the canon of scripture or to the later completion of a supposed imaginary epoch (24). As to the imposition of an intervening chasm between Paul’s original readers and later readers, one might draw attention to the apparent chasmal ridiculousness of God, through Paul, taking pains to explain details of interpersonal spiritual ministries that He was about to eliminate.
This argument then moves effortlessly to the role of women in the church and the sexist treatment they have received due to unexamined dictums and grossly distorted texts. Supporting this argument, Elbert again raises the classic case of the “apostolic–age” interpretive method employed by John Calvin at Acts 2:38–39, something that he has written about previously, where Calvin reverses his own contextual interpretation of the gift of the Holy Spirit (2:38). Here Calvin erases his own reading by imposing a cessationistic dictum. Elbert suggests that Calvin’s performance here was politically motivated (29).
“But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”
— John 7:39 (NKJV)
After his discussion of 1 Corinthians, Elbert confronts the text of 1 Timothy 2:11–12. Once again, he insists that these two verses cannot be extracted from the entire NT context. He goes on to explain the cultural background of Ephesus and role of women in this city, pointing out that the context of 1 Timothy is concerned with the home, not public ministry. Timothy’s warning of a woman exercising authority over a man in referring to the woman’s own husband. Since her husband is the head of the home, she is not to exercise authority over him in particular. This argument is preceded and balanced by Elbert’s comments that wives can be right and calls attention to God telling Abraham to listen to his wife in Genesis 21:9-13. He also points out the distinct instruction of mutual submission in Ephesians 5. As Elbert continues with the specific reference to restrict women from teaching as extracted by some from 1 Timothy, he again reiterates the specific cultural and religious background of this Epistle. These women needed to learn from their husbands. They warranted correction for their religious and social status associated with worship in the Temple of Diana. Elbert firmly establishes this point on the use of the Greek verb epitrepō, which refers to a prohibition for a specified time and cannot mean a permanent ban. The textual implication explicitly correlates to the underlying cultural situation (48).
Category: Ministry, Winter 2009