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From the Editor’s Desk: Summer 2007


from the editor’s desk

In the Spring 2007 issue we announced that Kevin M. Williams would begin a new series investigating the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures. Kevin has expressed to the editorial committee the difficulty in researching this theologically-heavy subject. Due to his present schedule, he has asked for an indefinite delay for this project. He has said that there are other studies he may be more prepared to bring to us soon.

Also in the Spring 2007 issue we began including thumbnail portraits of our contributors. As much as I like this concept, we have found that our current printing process cannot deliver a good representation of the images our writers have provided.

You are invited to have your voice heard. Please write and tell us what you are studying, what you have been discussing with your friends, what has encouraged you. I hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the discussion on the church’s response to postmodernism

In the love of the Father,

Raul Mock, Executive Editor


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Category: Get Involved, Summer 2007

About the Author: Raul L. Mock is one of the founders and directors of the Pneuma Foundation and editor of The Pneuma Review. Raul has been part of an Evangelical publishing ministry since 1996, working with Information Services and Supply Chain Management for more than two decades. He and his wife, Erin, have a daughter and twin boys and live in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. LinkedIn

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