Douglas Bursch: The Community of God
Sin is a major part of our brokenness. The author points out that sin divides, it can fracture a community. Using Scripture, history, and experience he demonstrates that sin divides marriages, families, nations, and churches (chapter 5). Bursch is very transparent regarding his own feelings about community. A self-confessed introvert, he does not normally gravitate toward people, at least do so for long periods of time. However, he stretches himself out of his comfort zone because he realizes, first, that community is biblical, and second, that it has value. There is much to be gained in community, not just for the individual, but for the gathered body as well. We can benefit one another, the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is one example of this. Bursch says “In relationship with the body of Christ, we find out who we are and why we exist” (page 139).
Sin divides, it fractures communities.
Reviewed by John Lathrop
Category: Ministry, Summer 2019