Denzil Miller: Overcoming the Enemy
Denzil R. Miller, Overcoming the Enemy: How to Challenge and Defeat Demonic Spirits (Springfield, Missouri: AIA Publications, 2016).
This work is part of a pamphlet series produced by the Assemblies of God World Mission for their Acts in Africa initiative. It can be downloaded without cost. The author is an Assemblies of God missionary to Africa and prolific writer. Traveling and preaching all over East Africa, he also served as academic dean of the Assemblies of God Seminary in Malawi.
Overcoming the Enemy gives basic instructions on both personal exorcisms and expulsion and binding of territorial demons. The latter is a ministry pioneered by C. Peter Wagner who has written extensively on this controversial ministry.
This work has many pluses. For one, the author avoids speculating on the exact nature of the demonic hierarchies; something other authors attempt. His steps in preparing for the ministry and the deliverance ministry itself are clear and succinct. It has a useful, simple bibliography of works cited.
On the other hand, this pamphlet attempts too much in too little space (36 pages). It lacks specific examples of exorcisms or the binding of territorial spirits. It may give the new Christian the impression that the deliverance process is easy. However, it could be very useful as a resource (it is a free download) for a Bible study or home group that is led by someone who is experienced in the deliverance/exorcism ministry and can flesh out the details.
Reviewed by William De Arteaga
Find Overcoming the Enemy on the Decade of Pentecost free download page:
Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2016