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Category: Church History

Grant Wacker: Heaven Below

Grant Wacker: Heaven Below

  Grant Wacker, Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2001), 377 pages. Readers of this journal tend to be inhabitants of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement, and are thus to some degree familiar with the theological terrain of the early Pentecostal movement. Pentecostals have not been, at least in the past, […]

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Carismatismo en Cuba, reviewed by Francisco Arriola

Carismatismo en Cuba, reviewed by Francisco Arriola

  Reinerio Arce, Manuel Quintero and Elizabeth Carrillo, eds., Carismatismo en Cuba (Quito, Ecuador: CLAI, 1997). This book is made up eight essays written by Cuban clergy and university faculty, which provide a panoramic view of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement inside Cuba. Six of the essays provide us with the understanding that in spite of forty […]

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Vinson Synan: The Century of the Holy Spirit

Vinson Synan: The Century of the Holy Spirit

  Vinson Synan, The Century of the Holy Spirit: 100 Years Of Pentecostal And Charismatic Renewal, 1901-2001 (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001), 484 pages. Vinson Synan has lived many of the 100 years he chronicles in his latest book which was published to be ready for the World Pentecostal Conference in Los Angeles in May 2000. […]

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Edward Irving: Preacher, Prophet and Charismatic Theologian

Edward Irving: Preacher, Prophet and Charismatic Theologian

Introduction The restoration of the power of the Holy Spirit has come to fruition in the 21st century. The charismatic renewal has touched nearly every segment of the Church around the world. It is exciting to be part of a spiritual movement that has affected literally hundreds of millions of people. Yet this restoration of […]

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The Angelus Temple 2002 Rebirth

The Angelus Temple 2002 Rebirth

  The 1924 annual report for Angelus Temple in Los Angeles listed 12,000 saved, 3,000 baptized in water, 3,000 new members, 3,600 healings and thousands filled with the Holy Spirit. The Temple’s early years were filled with revival, and people were touched over and over as miracles took place day after day. This revival led […]

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Peter Hocken: The Glory and the Shame

Peter Hocken: The Glory and the Shame

  Peter Hocken, The Glory and the Shame: Reflections on the 20th-Century Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Gildford, UK: Eagle, 1994). The Glory and the Shame is perhaps the most outstanding piece of Christian historical interpretation produced in recent decades. It covers the major outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the recent century, from Azusa […]

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Report of the 19th Pentecostal World Conference

Report of the 19th Pentecostal World Conference

  19th Pentecostal World Conference: Los Angeles, CA., May 29-31, 2001. I went to my first Pentecostal World Conference in 1967. It was held in Rio de Janeiro, and the local churches in Brazil put a great deal of work into making that conference an occasion to long remember. I continued to attend PWC’s after […]

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The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement

The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement

    Introduction The Pentecostal movement is by far the largest and most important religious movement to originate in the United States. Beginning in 1901 with only a handful of students in a Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, the number of Pentecostals increased steadily throughout the world during the Twentieth Century until by 1993 they […]

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Touched by the Wind: The Charismatic Movement in the Episcopal Church

Touched by the Wind: The Charismatic Movement in the Episcopal Church

By D. William Faupel As appearing the Summer 2000 issue of The Pneuma Review My mother met me at the door, her face bursting with excitement. “You will never guess what has happened,” she exclaimed. Before I could respond, she continued, “Pentecost has come to the Episcopalians!” The year was 1961. I was a senior […]

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Worldwide Growth of Pentecostals and Charismatics

Worldwide Growth of Pentecostals and Charismatics

  While mainline denominations continue to decline, unable to even keep their children in the faith, the Pentecostal/charismatic movement continues to grow tremendously.

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Nick Needham: 2000 Years of Christ's Power

Nick Needham: 2000 Years of Christ’s Power

  N. R. Needham, 2000 Years of Christ’s Power, Part I: The Age of the Early Church Fathers (London: Grace Publications, 1998), 400 pages. When I originally saw the title and the brief description of 2000 Years of Christ’s Power in a publisher’s catalog, I thought that I had found another historical study of the […]

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Vinson Synan: Pentecostal Trends of the 90's

Vinson Synan: Pentecostal Trends of the 90’s

Vinson Synan, “Pentecostal Trends of the 90’s” Ministries Today (May/June 1999, Vol. 17, No. 3), pages 60-64, 77. Leading church historian and theologian Vinson Synan gives an overview of the trends and directions the Pentecostal/charismatic movement have taken is the final decade of the Second Millennium. Professor Synan begins with a broad view of some […]

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Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 5: The 18th and 19th Centuries

Tongues and Other Miraculous Gifts in the Second Through Nineteenth Centuries, Part 5: The 18th and 19th Centuries

  Richard M. Riss presents evidence for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit throughout the Church Age.   The Moravians The gift of tongues is sometimes associated with the Moravian Brethren, a remnant of the Bohemian brethren (followers of John Huss) who became newly organized after finding refuge on the estate of Count […]

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Vinson Synan: The Second Comers

Vinson Synan: The Second Comers

  Vinson Synan, “Pentecostal Millennialism: The Second Comers: At first, the gift of tongues meant one thing: Jesus was returning soon” Christian History, Issue 61, pp. 38-39 The Christianity Today publication Christian History has recently featured an issue on the history of eschatology, answering the question: What have believers taught and believed about the return […]

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