The Holy Spirit and the Ministry of the Disciples

He sent them out two by two, by James Tissot.
I am intrigued by the fact that these workers are completely unknown to us. Were they part of a larger group of disciples who had been following Jesus since John the Baptist’s imprisonment, or were they individuals who had been healed recently? Were members of the various religious parties or local officials among them? Were they all unmarried men, or could there have been married couples among them?
When the seventy-two return with joy, they tell Jesus that even the demons had submitted to them in Jesus’ name. The name of Jesus did and still does carry significant authority when used by Christians. Jesus states that he has given them authority to trample on snakes and scorpions in the wilderness and to overcome the power of their spiritual enemies (see Ephesians 6), and nothing will harm them. Indeed, he sees Satan falling like lightning during their mission. Yet, they should rejoice more over the fact that their names have been written in Heaven, in the book of salvation, than about their successes. Jesus, full of joy in the Holy Spirit, rejoices that God has gladly revealed these things to spiritual babes, or young children, while hiding them from the wise and learned of his day. The Father has committed everything to his Son, so that we cannot know God unless the Son reveals him to us! The disciples, through these missions, begin to realize that they might actually be able to do the same works of healing and deliverance that are the hallmark of Jesus’ ministry. Indeed, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus tells his disciples, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father” (John 14:12–13).
Instead of the Spirit being within a few leaders in the history of Israel, God wants his Spirit to be actively involved in the life of every member of his new people, the Church, the Body of Christ.
They need a new counselor, comforter, advocate, helper, and teacher resident within them. This Holy Spirit and his anointing are evident in the life and ministry of Jesus, but before his death, Jesus tells them: “Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7). Instead of the Spirit being within a few leaders in the history of Israel, God wants his Spirit to be actively involved in the life of every member of his new people, the Church, the Body of Christ. Before his ascension, Jesus tells his followers to wait in the city of Jerusalem, for they will soon be baptized with the Holy Spirit and receive the personal power of God for mission and ministry throughout the world.
The normal Christian life is a life of walking, empowerment, guidance, and provision by the Holy Spirit, with God’s generous gifts being used and his fruits growing within to bless others.
When Peter and John see the man who had been lame from birth at the temple gate, they tell him they have no money and command him “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6). The man’s entrance into the temple courts causes such a reaction that Peter takes the opportunity to boldly preach about Jesus and his resurrection. Alarmed officials bring Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, who wants to find out “By what power or name did you do this?” (Acts 23). Luke tells us that Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit as he confidently answers this question. These disciples are clearly different after Pentecost! When the council members “say the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus. We should recognize that the patterns of ministry that the apostles and other disciples had learned during their approximately three years with the Lord, as well as their whole direction, outlook, and views about God and his relationship with humankind, had been transformed. They have certainly learned much by watching, hearing, interacting, and participating with Jesus, but now they are empowered by the Spirit. In a short time, the apostles are performing miraculous signs and wonders among God’s people near the temple (Acts 5:12). Even Peter’s shadow heals the sick. When a group of Spirit-filled “deacons” are chosen, Stephen and Philip do great wonders and signs. Opposition, from a group of Jews outside Palestine infuriated by Stephen’s message, leads to his early martyrdom.
Category: Spirit, Spring 2016