Summer 2020: Other Significant Articles
Craig Keener, “Interview with Donna Covington about racism and the murder of her son” (July 2, 2020).
Craig Keener introduces the link to this interview by saying, “Donna Covington is Asbury’s vice president of formation and served as a top executive in a major corporation. Shortly after his graduation from college, her son, with a promising career ahead of him, was confronted with racist epithets and shot to death by a white man. The white man has not spent a single day in jail for this. She shares her heart wrenching story in this 25-minute video interview I did with her.”
Todd M. Johnson, “Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity” (May 27, 2020).
The Gordon-Conwell page describes this as “a short excerpt from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press).”
Craig Keener, “Racism contradicts evangelicals’ Gospel” (July 6, 2020).
Craig Keener introduces this blog post, with links to a June 2020 statement and other posts about racial justice, by saying: “I and some other evangelical scholars recently issued a very basic statement.”

Image: Joey Kyber
J. Lee Grady, “How a Brave Black Woman Is Challenging Black Lives Matter” Fire In My Bones (July 29, 2020).
B. J. Oropeza, “Jesus and Ancient Biography: An Interview with Craig S. Keener on His Recent Book, Christobiography” Patheos (July 26, 2020).
Craig Keener, “Signs of the Kingdom: Miracles in the New Testament and Today” Carl F. Henry Center for Theological Understanding (March 12, 2020).
Craig Keener introduced this lecture: “Creation Project on special divine action, at Carl F. Henry Center for Theological Understanding, Trinity International University, sponsored my lecture on signs of the kingdom in early spring 2020.”
B. J. Oropeza, “The Latest on Galatians: An Interview with Craig Keener on His Recent Book, Galatians: A Commentary” Patheos (August 10, 2020).
Sam Storms, “10 Questions about Spiritual Gifts” (September 5, 2020).
Craig Keener, “Experiential Reading: The Means to Embracing Scripture” (September 4, 2020).
Craig Keener writes: “… we need to hear Scripture with faith, embracing it in our personal lives. A reader may embrace a false idea when taking Scripture out of context, but a reader who understands it in context yet does not embrace its demands on one’s trust also misses its function as Scripture. As Christians, we read the Bible with personal faith – not only to understand it but to embrace its message and theological worldview as true for the world in which we live.”
Frank Viola, “A Word to My Miracle-Obsessed Friends” (September 17, 2020).
Category: Summer 2020