Spring 2009: Other Significant Articles
Harold W. Hoehner, “Can a Woman Be A Pastor-Teacher?” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 50:4 (Dec 2007), pages 761-771.
A Dallas Theological Seminary professor says that there has been a gradual change leading to wider acceptance of women as pastor-teachers. He offers historical background for this change including distinguishing, or the failure to distinguish, between the office and the gift. He concludes, “A woman, then, may have the gift of pastor-teacher, apostle, evangelist, and prophetess (as Philip’s four daughters—Acts 21:9), while, scripturally speaking, she cannot hold the office of an elder or bishop” and gives a brief but technical explanation of this conclusion.
Also find articles in the December 2007 issue of JETS by writers that have contributed to The Pneuma Review: Craig Keener, “Women’s Education and Public Speech in Antiquity.” Gene L. Green, “Lexical Pragmatics and Biblical Interpretation.”
Chris Armstrong, “Signs and Wonders: The Charismatic Power of Early Christianity” (Christian History Blog).
Christian History professor, Chris Armstrong says that when church history is taught, the story of spiritual gifts is often left out. “The church has rarely lacked for witnesses … who have proclaimed that the Holy Spirit is alive, well, and gifting believers in his church.”
Originally available here: http://www.christianitytodayblogs.com/history/2009/01/signs_and_wonders_the_charisma_1.html. Unavailable as of March 15, 2014.
Category: Spring 2009