Kevin Williams on Kingdom of Heaven and Justification
If we are to believe Jesus’ words, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17), that our destiny is to reign and rule in that kingdom, if it is the Almighty’s will that this kingdom take precedence as the consummation of centuries of redemptive work, the entirety of the “story of Israel,” of Christology, then the entirety of Scripture had better be in harmony with no preferential treatment given to Paul, Moses, John the Baptist, Rev. Wallis, Apollo, Cephas, or anyone.
My hope and prayer is that we can get away from either/or, versus/but and embrace a well-balanced this/and harmony, which to my estimation is what God desires.
Editor’s note
This response by Kevin Williams was based on the online version of the article that includes 9 short videos where McKnight responds to related questions about his article.
Category: Biblical Studies, Summer 2011