How then shall we live: an interview with Jonathan Cahn about The Oracle As you sift through the tremendous amount of material needed to write a book like The Oracle, how do you discern what is useful? How do you protect yourself from chasing distracting or even damaging research tracks?
Jonathan Cahn: I had about 3000 pages of notes, revelations, research, etc. I obviously couldn’t put that all in a book that’s around 300 pages. I simply had to decide which mysteries, which facts, which revelations were most crucial, central, and right for the book. I ended up making an 8 DVD Album – The Oracle Uncensored – to contain some of the mysteries I couldn’t put in the book. What do you want readers to take away from your latest book?
Jonathan Cahn: God is amazing. God is awesome. God is in control of every event – in the world and in our lives. God is faithful – When He makes a promise, He will fulfill it – and His Word will come true. We are living in the end times. The return of the Jewish people to Israel is key to all that. And the people of God must live now as witnesses of faith that is radical, revolutionary, and world-changing. And lastly, God is Mind-Blowing! Where can people order The Oracle?
People can also visit, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million,,, and IndieBound to order The Oracle.
Category: Fall 2019, Living the Faith