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Conversation with Retired Brig. General Rebecca Halstead Many Christians around the world, and many of today’s Pentecostals, believe that God has called them to pacifism. How can veterans build bridges with those who choose to avoid all kinds of violent resistance?

Halstead: Anyone who has ever served will be the first to tell you we want peace over violence more than anyone else. The cost of combat is so great. We recognize, however, that to preserve the peace we must sometimes wage combat. Doing so requires discipline, specific tasks and purpose, well-designed strategy and a desired endstate. I’m not sure it is possible to avoid all violence resistance. Violence exists in so many places and ways. Lack of integrity in a home or business creates potential for violence. The bridge I would build would be constructed with pillars of values and have a disciplined path of respectful behaviors to minimize violence, and where there was violence I would be very measured in my response in order to not invoke more damage. Why did you write 24:7: The First Person You Must Lead is You?

Halstead: I wrote 24/7 because I wanted to share some of the leadership lessons I learned throughout my 27-year military career. Consistently, after I delivered a keynote speech, people would come up to me and say, “Please tell me you have written a book!” They wanted to learn more and by writing a book I could share more than just 60-90 minutes with them. So, the motivation came from my audience! I self-published so the book could reflect the same authenticity with which many have remarked upon after they hear me speak. Before each of my keynote speeches, I get down on my knees (usually in my hotel room) and ask the Lord to “manufacture my words and I will distribute them (like the parable of the loaves and fish where Jesus manufactured more and more, and the disciples kept distributing them to the people).” In the same way, while I was creating 24/7 over a two-year period, I asked the Lord to give me the right principles, stories and words so that the book would blessed God because it is a blessing to others.


Thank you for taking time to speak with about your story.


Be sure to visit Becky Halstead’s website:


* Correction: At the time of publication, it was inaccurately reported that Rebecca Halstead was the first woman general. She graciously sent the editor this note: “I don’t know if you can make a correction or not, but I was the first woman general to lead in combat at the strategic level, not the first woman to be promoted to General.  I don’t want to take away from the accomplishments of other women who served and led before me.”

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Category: Living the Faith, Summer 2014

About the Author: Becky Halstead, retired Brigadier General, United States Army, founded her own leader consultancy company, STEADFAST Leadership, LLC, following 27 years of service in the U.S. military and her role as Executive Director for a leadership consultancy company. Becky specializes in inspirational speaking (nationally and internationally, corporate and academic), developing leader training programs, leader coaching, consulting and advising. Her first book on leadership, 24/7: The First Person You Must Lead Is YOU was published in 2013.

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