| May 23, 2022 |
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I invite you to join me for Bible teaching on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, with a new episode each Tuesday.
This series of broadcasts on the CharismaPodcastNetwork.com began airing on May 17, 2022, the birthday of my mother, the late Dr. Verna Hall Linzey.
Tags: baptism with the Holy Spirit, spirit, teaching
Category: Get Involved
About the Author: James F. Linzey studied church growth under C. Pete Wagner and signs and wonders under John Wimber at Fuller Theological Seminary. He served on the large ministry team at the Anaheim Vineyard and is the chief editor of the Modern English Version Bible. He has a BA degree in Biblical Studies from Southern California College, and an MDiv degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous articles and books, speaker, and recording artist. MilitaryBibleAssociation.com. Wikipedia.org/wiki/James_F._Linzey.