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Tag: "true"

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

God is speaking today and Pastor Loren Sandford urges all of us to pursue biblical discernment.   With so many questionable prophetic words circulating these days, concerning both the wider world and personal prophecies, wouldn’t it be a good thing for the body of Christ to sharpen its discernment? I fear that to fail to do this […]

Have You Experienced A True Pentecost?

Have You Experienced A True Pentecost?

During the month of May or June (depending on the calendar), Christians throughout the world celebrate Pentecost Sunday—a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high. We must remember and celebrate the significance of this great event. This year […]

Elsie Mason: A True Civil Rights Hero

Elsie Mason: A True Civil Rights Hero

Her death didn’t grab headlines like Coretta Scott King’s did. But Elsie Mason and her late husband captured heaven’s attention. Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Last week, just one day before Coretta Scott King’s funeral was aired from an Atlanta megachurch, a lesser-known black woman named Elsie Louise Washington Mason was buried quietly in Memphis. She […]

True for You (but not for Me)

True for You (but not for Me)

Is Christianity just something that helps some people? Is there really any basis for right and wrong other than opinion? This article is reproduced with permission from the British ministry Facing The Challenge, see below for more information. Across Britain this week, hundreds of couples will be getting married. They will spend thousands of pounds […]

Jeffery Sheler: Is the Bible True?

Jeffery Sheler: Is the Bible True?

Jeffery L. Sheler, Is the Bible True? How Modern Debates and Discoveries Affirm the Essence of the Scriptures (Harper San Francisco/Zondervan, 1999), 279 pages, ISBN 9780062013460. As usual, Christianity Today featured its annual list of leading Christian books in its April edition. This year it offered the 10 best, several honorable mentions, and also a […]

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